service industry story

'I swear I’m not cheap': Waiters discuss what are 'reasonable' and 'unreasonable' tipping habits in the U.S.

'I swear I’m not cheap': Waiters discuss what are 'reasonable' and 'unreasonable' tipping habits in the U.S.


‘We got a 2nd refund’: Third-party booking service and hotel screw guy out of $600 and makes his party sleep in the basement, ends up getting double the refund


'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers


'Take that unaware guy': Internet applauds customer of a local coffee shop who sneakily gets entitled customer on his phone to tip 25%

5-star-hotel, hotel-drama, compensation, hotel-compensation, comped-hotel

'Is this enough to compensate?': Woman gets free parking and a $150 steak dinner after getting stuck in a 5-star hotel bathroom for an hour, hospitality professionals say she should've gotten more

r-work, r-workadvice, work-advice, service-industry-issues, nepo-baby-bartender, HR, human-resources, failblog

'The situation is ridiculous': Hotel bartender learns why everyone hates a certain nepo-baby coworker after a shift with them ends up in the HR office

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server

'They proceeded to fire me': Server cards belligerent underaged kid in her section and kicks him out, is fired after he leaves 1-star review

Karen-put-in-her-place, Karen-shutdown, epic-shutdown, satisfying-karen-shutdown, job-interview, new-job, new-hire

‘I ended up working at that place’: Random chef on lunch break gets accosted by restaurant's notorious Karen customer, impresses their head chef and gets hired

reddit, failblog, satisfying-service-industry-stories, customer-shutdown, entitled-customer-shutdown, satisfying

'I professionally shutdown Karens & Kens': 21+ Servers share their most satisfying customer shutdown stories

reddit, bad-coworker, bad-server, bad-tip, tipping-edict, how-to-tip, coworkers, workplace-scenario, restaurant-work, failblog

'Server to server...': Off-duty waiter takes friends to brunch at the restaurant they work at, tips coworker 60% but still gets put down for 'not tipping well'

service-industry-chaos, servers, food-inspection-stories, reddit, failblog, tales-from-your-server, r-talesfromyourserver

'Us servers scramble': 30+ Restaurant employees share the chaos that ensues when an inspector shows up unannounced

good-customer-story, wholesome-customer-story, good-life-lesson, how-to-tip, good-tip, tipping-culture, happy-ending, faith-in-humanity

'I needed to clear my conscience': Server is miffed by 3% tip, gets a holiday miracle the next day when customer comes back to give additional 50% tip and an apology

reddit, failblog, restaurant-scammer, dine-and-dash, diner

'By god, he had me stressed on a Monday morning': Male-Karen throws a tantrum demanding a meal refund, turns out he's in the wrong restaurant

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server, male-karen, kyle-karen

'And no tip, of course': Customer refuses to read entire menu description and demands item restaurant does not offer, incompetent manager leaves novice server in charge

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server, service-industry-nightmare, double-date, double-date-gone-wrong, double-date-fail

'Table from H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks': Double date turns into server's nightmare, saying it was his worst table in '10 years'

funny-server-fails, funny-waiter-fails, funny-restaurant-slip-ups, funny-fails, funny-slipups, funny-service-industyr-fails, reddit, failblog

'That's just a right of passage [in the restaurant biz]': Servers share their most embarrassing workplace slip ups and fails

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