
service animal

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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reddit, failblog, r-service_dogs, service-dog-rights, employees, coworkers, lying-coworkers, standing-up-for-yourself

'I told them I wanted to see video proof:' Employee blatantly lies about coworker's service dog, anti-canine management immediately takes their side, but comes up short with the evidence

Can you believe there are people out there who hate dogs for no reason? That's a huge immediate red flag imo. It's an even bigger red flag when someone doesn't respect a service dog. Like, think what you want about having a loyal furry four-legged companion who loves you unconditionally, but you have to at least show respect to working dogs. A service dog is literally considered a life-saving medical device. Like, you wouldn't ban someone from taking their prescription at work because you don't…
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'He says it's a service animal': Homeowner won't allow friend's service dog in their home, internet is divided

What is right, what is fair, and what should you do when it comes to accommodating your friends in your own home? Sure, it's your place, and you can do whatever you'd like, but that doesn't mean others have to like you for your lack of flexibility. This goes doubly when it comes to accommodating someone in the group's disability. Still, animals are a tricky subject, and not everyone loves being around them or having them in their home. Although being a service animal should open the door for ac…
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