

'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

'No added gratuity': Waiter demands to be compensated after getting stiffed on a $3,600 event, then quits when owner refuses

"I used to be a server like you, and I've gotten stiffed by tables before. It just happens and you need to get used to it" were a restaurant owner's words when one of the waiters approached him after being stiffed on a $3,600 event. Talk about a good manager, huh? OP took to r/Serverlife after a frustrating incident at work happened, where he was forced to wait on a large party with a reservation booking in the restaurant's event room. Per usual, the restaurant was ridiculously understaffed, an…
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‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

Customers are not your friends, and this case makes that perfectly clear. They stomp loudly into your restaurant, noses up in the air, demands rolling off their tongue. If you can't give them your full, undivided attention for the entirety of the time they are there, then what are you even doing with your life? OP was serving a table who came in with a rude attitude and continuously made his life hard with their special requests. One of the customers at the table demanded OP get his food 'right…
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