semi truck

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'Jokes on them': Trucker treats themselves to exorbitantly long breaks, waiting out the blinding sunrise after getting scolded for using a sun visor

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Gen X truck driver faces off with ‘boomer truckie’ at a distributor claiming ‘[he] was [there] first’ in a true boomer meltdown, gets sweet karmic revenge

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Client demands frequent updates about their truckload of onions, trucker maliciously complies: 'You want updates? I will give you all the updates'

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29 Trucker Memes for the Drivers Going the Extra Mile

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Client micromanages truck driver over delivery, trucker sends dozens of pointless photos for revenge: 'You want updates, I will give you all the updates'

You should fire us!" "Ok." | My family runs a small trucking company. Depending on where you are in the world, you might call us a P&D company, a Final Mile company, a White Glove company... basically we handle the kind of stuff that you might buy to have delivered to your home or business,

Trucking Company Takes Clients Own Advice and Fires Them After Calling Their Bluff

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Funniest Mother Truckin' Trucker Memes That'll Have You Speeding in the Laugh Lane

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Idiots Block Fuel Pump, Truckers Conspire to Block Them In

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Canopener Bridge Pops Stack Off Of Semi Truck

A truck gets stuck on railroad tracks and a backhoe rescues them.

Semi Gets Stuck On Tracks With Train Coming, Saved By Back Hoe

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Turkey Stuck in Semi Truck Escapes into Worse Fate

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Freight Train Slices A Trapped Semi In Half

Semi Truck Tips Over While Driving on Interstate

Semi-Truck Tips Over While Driving on Interstate

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There's Nothing More American Than Enjoying The F**K Out of a High Speed Semi-Truck Chase By the Police

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Watching a Long Semi Perfectly Back Into a Loading Garage is Oddly Satisfying

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This Semi Truck Has Zero F**ks To Give About a Flooded Road

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