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'Bad friend': Selfish guest abandons her friend's wedding because they weren't serving alcohol, claims she 'just wanted to go out'

'Uh-uh. No one is here is hear you sing, friend': Audience member ruins performance of Wicked by singing loudly the entire show

'Uh-uh. No one is here is hear you sing, friend': Audience member ruins performance of Wicked by singing loudly the entire show

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

‘The Greedy Pigs are Stealing, and the Worst Part Is It’s Legal’ : Former Employees Reveal Shady Company Fails and Secrets

‘The Greedy Pigs are Stealing, and the Worst Part Is It’s Legal’ : Former Employees Reveal Shady Company Fails and Secrets

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

trashy behavior

25 Trashtacular Moments That Reek Of Garbage-osity

trashy moments

Terrifically Trashtacular Moments That Escaped From The Dump

entitled people and their demands

Entitled People And Their Bold Shenanigans

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Absurdly Rude Guests That Made Themselves Far Too Comfortable

trashy moments

Trashtacular Moments of Startling Garbage-osity

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Dirtbag Feels Entitled To Leave "Poor" Boyfriend After Saddling Him With Debt

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Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience

entitled people with selfish demands

Entitled People With Their Particular, Absurd And Unreasonable Demands

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Selfish Pregnant Couple Forces Wife’s Ageing Mother to Drive Her to Appointment so That the “Husband Can Rest”

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