

Apple Skull WIN

apple art creepy food fruit Image sculpture skull - 5269582336
Via Best Week Ever

Perspective WIN

art hanging Image model perspective portrait sculpture - 5256525056

Contraption WIN

art balloon contraption Image sculpture Steampunk tower - 5271801088
Created by sixonefive72

Lego Ninja WIN

batman clever huge Image lego model pixar pop culture sculpture toy - 5297201920
light message poem sculpture shadow time Video - 27044865

Light Poem WIN

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Isengard Lego WIN

Image lego Lord of the Rings model nerdgasm sculpture - 5282272512
Via Neatorama

Literal WIN

food Image literal meat pig sculpture weird - 5286104576

Pumpkin-Man WIN

art carving clever halloween Image pumpkins sculpture - 5280763392

Scrap Metal Ravager WIN

art cars Image junk nerdgasm pop culture sculpture transformers - 5277814528
Via Neatorama

Breaking Out WIN

art escape Image installation mold sculpture statue - 5183381504
Created by sixonefive72

Lego Mansion WIN

architecture art creepy decay Hall of Fame house Image lego sculpture - 5259824384
Via Flavorwire
car driving Image lego model sculpture time lapse Video - 26592257

Lego Car WIN

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Balloon WIN

art balloon dinosaur fossil Image rawr sculpture skeleton - 5245054976

Public Art WIN

animal art chameleon Image san francisco sculpture street Street Art - 5220742400

Scrap Cobra WIN

art cobra design Image junk scrap metal sculpture snake - 5185730304
Via Neatorama

Persepective Sculpture WIN

clever craft design Image perspective sculpture table - 5230588416
Via Dudecraft

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