

Ice Sculpture WIN

at at ice ice sculpture Image sculpture star wars - 5903598080
Via Neatorama

Caught in the Act of Exploding WIN

art explosion Image sculpture - 5840482304
Via Flavorwire

Geometry WIN

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Via Laughing Squid

WIN!: CD Fragment Sculpture WIN

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Via Laughing Squid

Ice City WIN

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Via Laughing Squid

Scrap Metal Beast WIN

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Via Colossal

Glass Virus WIN

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Via Flavorwire
architecture art China city ice sculpture snow Video winter - 33233409

Ice City WIN

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WIN!: Doppelgangers WIN

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Sand Noms WIN

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WIN!: Snow Scene WIN

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Via Supergreat

Balloon Tank WIN

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Via Flavorwire

Perspective Sculpture WIN

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Via Mathieu Hamaekers

Snow Totoro WIN

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Tire Lion WIN

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