
screening process

‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

Job interviews are such a grueling process, that it's hard not to get discouraged. Companies expect a lot from candidates nowadays and will put you through 8 interviews with different hiring managers and department heads, then give you multiple tests to evaluate your skills, and finally, reject you via an email or worse, fail to let you know about the next steps. In other words, it's exhausting, infuriating, and it doesn't give you much incentive to keep job searching, even though most of the t…
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'None of your candidates enjoy it': Candidate declines one way interview as part of job screening process, leading to dispute with HR

'None of your candidates enjoy it': Candidate declines one way interview as part of job screening process, leading to dispute with HR

One fed-up candidate who had the privilege of job searching while they still had a job snapped back at an HR representative over text after discovering that a ‘one-way interview’ was part of the screening process. What exactly is a one-way interview? Well, it can vary but it's usually a brief video recording that job candidates send potential employers to aid them in their screening process. You typically answer a few pre-selected interview questions. Awkward, right? Demeaning almost. This cand…
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