

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

Your heart is racing as you make your way to your boss's office. The grey walls seem to be closing in on you, and you feel like every one of your coworkers knows exactly what's going on in your mind. You don't know how, but you know they do. Their eyes follow you up until you knock on your boss's door. Ahem, you clear your throat. They look up from their desk, tired, annoyed even. They wave for you to come in, and you take a seat. Then you clear your throat again… ‘I quit', you manage to muster…
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'She tried to push me out of my chair and take it': Elderly woman tries ejecting young man from wheelchair in supermarket after he refuses to give it to her

'She tried to push me out of my chair and take it': Elderly woman tries ejecting young man from wheelchair in supermarket after he refuses to give it to her

Public spaces always give me the ick. There are too many people strutting about, scanning the busy streets for strangers to tell their woes to. This would not bother me so much if I didn't always end up the target of a long, drawn-out conversation about how much someone hates their boss, how their kids are acting up in school, or how their cat ran away (again). Maybe I have a wholesome, 'Please approach me and tell me your life story' face, or maybe these people just take a random pick from the…
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Karen tries to steal mobility scooter

Unhinged Karen Tries To Steal Woman's Mobility Scooter, Gets Caught In Slow Speed Chase

Way to go Karen.
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Kid on scooter screams as a bird chases him

Kid on Scooter Getting Chased By a Bird

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Person In Mobility Scooter Gets Overzealous and Eats It at the Skate Park

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Some Genius Hacked The Lime Scooter Alarm Audio

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If This Dog Riding a Scooter Ain't the Coolest Thing You See Today, Then I Desperately Want Your Life

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Watch This Scooter Driver Take a Massive Hit and Walk it Off Like It's Nobody's Business

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This Reporter Learns Why You Should Always Wear a Helmet (The Hard Way)

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The Best Electric Scooter on the Block

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Wonder What Happened Here?

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The Difference Between High School and College

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Taking Higher Education Higher

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Personal Electric Scooters Are So Hot Right Now, See?

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Guy Puts a Train Horn on His Scooter

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The World's First Scooter Triple-Backflip!

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