
malicious compliance of printer fees

Guy Complies with Unfair Printing Fee by Using Every Printer at Once

People on AskReddit disclose what the "black market" was in their school.

26 People Disclose What The "Black Market" Was In Their School

askreddit about teacher schools and educational institutions

25 Teachers Share The Worst Cases Of "My Child Can Do No Wrong" That They've Seen

child gets revenge on bully by smacking him with pudding

21 AskReddit Replies To How People Got Revenge On Their Bullies

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19 Dismal Essays That Made English Teachers Lose Hope

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14 Frustrated Teachers Share Times Parents Were Worse than Their Kids

kid who missed school bus writes funny letter

Kid's Hilarious Letter To His Mom After Missing The School Bus Goes Viral

people dressing up as famous characters to get their photos done

15 Times Students Took A+ Senior Photos

fake jobs, made up jobs,

Academics Discuss The Made Up Jobs They Use When People Ask What They Do For Work

person demanding attention by acting hyper masculine

17 People Share the Wildest Thing The "I Need Attention" Kid Did

kindergarten teacher explaining she she quit her job

Kindergarten Teacher's Facebook Post About Quitting Her Job Goes Viral

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Twitter Users Explain Their Complicated Paths To Solving Simple Math Problems

Male engineering student writes a letter describing why his female classmates aren't his equals.

Engineering Student Writes Letter On Why Female Classmates Aren't His Equals

askreddit thread about parents of bullies

25 Parents Of Bullies Share When They Realized Their Kids Were Bullies

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Teacher Arrested For Asking Why Superintendent Got A Raise While Teachers Hadn't In Years

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29 Miserable Misspellings That Made the Word-Gods Weep in Shame