

A quick Tumblr thread about college professors with max chill | stimman3000 Follow Subject: make up assignment whats poppin carolina can get an assignment my 20% back. also im la do want anything thats like under $20 there thanks, alex

Quick Tumblr Thread Of Professors With Max Chill

Oh, to have had one of these teachers.
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Student exploits school dress code | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/TandyAngie Nitpick dress code can do too. oC L Our junior high dress code pain. Most teachers didn't care so long as kids weren't distracting principal junior high, however, insisted on enforcing every single rule friend mine wore long sleeve shirt under tank top principal insisted she couldn't wear tank top because tank tops were against dress code. But she couldn't take off tank top because

Student Exploits Every Loophole In School Dress Code

They got creative.
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Horrible parent expects too much from teacher | just don't want contacting him am not comfortable and will let him know as well. If my child is not on computer is my expectation will call and let know daily don't have time keep up with her and all this work. Again am not her teacher. If going give out zeros expect come here and help her s alI. As much as would love do ma'am is not feasible have 54 students and cannot call parents every student who is not logged on daily avoid any further

Parent Blames Teacher for Kid Not Being In Virtual Class

Cartwheeling through logical hoops over here.
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A Tumblr post about kids' various hilarious misconceptions about teachers | icouldwritebooks love little kids l'm teaching online have complete and total misconceptions s going on. So far encountered following: 1. T had been teaching little girl several months one day she said My mother says real person, not an app. If real person, show husband.

Tumblr Post: Kids' Hilarious Misconceptions About Teachers

Kids actually think teachers are apps.
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students that passed exam get to shave teacher's head

Students Score Well On Test, Cut Teacher's Hair As Prize

This teacher deserves his own prize.
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Teachers describe most unexpected excuses they received from students | kindsoberfullydressd 5h got opposite story teacher lost my homework he marked as he left his shed and got eaten by slugs. He did show slug eaten paper, and gave full marks so wasn't all bad! Reply

Wildest Reasons Students Didn't Complete Assignments

Can't go wrong with the "dog ate the homework" excuse.
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Student wins art contest to spite teacher | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ADrunkenScott My teacher called my work bad and my attitude even worse then got featured biggest art gallery country. oC L might not be right sub, my art teacher said wasn't good enough so worked my damn hardest prove him wrong is summary. Context school go is well respected my country, so not uncommon venues request display students work or ask students sing live them. On occasion question largest art

Student Wins Art Contest to Spite Rude Art Teacher

Motivation can come from anywhere.
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A Twitter thread about a guy's classmate teaching him lesson in selflessness | Thomas McFall @thomas_mcfall Hey guys knowl usually just post shitty jokes on my Twitter but bear with because wanted share something

Guy's Classmate Teaches Him Lesson In Selflessness

Too sweet.
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Funny and weird scientific diagrams | Unwanted sexual urges? Have graham cracker and calm yourself down. stack of cardboard looking snacks

Scientific Diagrams That Look Like Jokes

Context is key.
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Student's business project with Super Smash Bros spirals out of control and they get suspended | TIFU By starting an illegal money laundering and gambling ring at my highschool. This all started my second last year highschool FU happened towards end semester. Just an FYI, at time never knew gambling outside casinos illegal.

Student's Super Smash Bros Business Project Spirals Out Of Control

They didn't foresee the suspension.
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A Twitter thread about a teacher handling a non English speaking student | As formerly non-English speaking immigrant, here is story cherish s 1997 just moved Korea Los Angeles area took regular English courses Korea, and good enough get out ESL classes and into regular 10th grade classes.

Twitter Thread: English Teacher Meets Foreign Student With Understanding

A little push can go a long way!
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Students prank their teacher, and the teacher ends up having the last laugh | r/ProRevenge mikebwn_80 Students pranked had last laugh spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at small private school my first two years didn't have classroom, just small office would bring needed each class on cart and go room room, depending on which teacher had prep at any given time. This incredibly inconvenient and, not being most organized teachers begin with, made things difficult keep

Wholesome Revenge: Students Prank Teacher, Teacher Has Last Laugh

Wholesome revenge is the way to go.
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Teachers share the best excuses they got that ended up being true | reddit posted by Fortisvol Told he got pulled over by cops wobbly driving on his bike and they thought he drunk. Turned out he just dodging all slugs on street.

Best Excuses Teachers Got That Turned Out True

These excuses defied what teachers thought was possible.
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Lord Of Rings speech during lecture

Student's Lord Of Rings Speech Met With Deafening Silence

Dude should get an automatic A.
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A professor turns into a complete nightmare so the dean intervenes, and saves the day | r/ProRevenge u/handcraftedcandy 10h Join Last minute professor turns into nightmare make sure she never has job there again. About 10 years ago attending local community College my Associates Fine Arts retrospect dumb do so after economy had tanked 2008 recession but digress my second year during first semester one class had take advance and be on track graduate on time Drawing II this class suppose learn

Professor Turns Into Total Nightmare, Dean Saves The Day

Sometimes the teacher gets schooled.
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Students describe their best "forgot to turn off the mic" moments while on Zoom calls | daemare 23h 2 Awards had defend my thesis over Zoom and many professors came into call watch. My thesis about immune response fish parasites. One professor joined late and forgot mute her mic and got treated this little gem Shhhh. Mommy is learning about fish parasites, which is get if don't stop peeing koi pond.

Best "Forgot To Turn Off The Mic" Stories From Students On Zoom

Good old Zoom fails.
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