
'I just smiled at him and drove off': Guy gets a job at the place handling the contracts of his ex-coworkers who got him fired, so he gets them fired

'I just smiled at him and drove off': Guy gets a job at the place handling the contracts of his ex-coworkers who got him fired, so he gets them fired

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'You took a week from me? I'll take a month from you': Small business gets back at client who very Karen-ly wasted their time and money

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'That's a rather Hot Topic': Retail employee gets revenge on entitled coworker, sparks painfully hilarious shopping pun thread on Reddit

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'I didn't feel any guilt period': Neighbor gets revenge on HOA by fulfilling a kid's birthday wish

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'500 reasons to never mess with a programmer's dedication to pettiness': Employees overwhelms toxic management with paperwork in a valiant act of malicious compliance

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

woman gets petty revenge years later on classmate who screwed her over while in shool

'Now you want a job? I don't think so:' Woman gets tricked by classmate in grad school and fails project, years later she gets satisfying revenge when nefarious peer applies to her company

employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses