
satisfying quitting story

Manager promotes untrained hire after trusted employees quit, company tanks: 'The place is a ghost town'

Manager promotes untrained hire after trusted employees quit, company tanks: 'The place is a ghost town'

One would think that a manager would make careful judgment calls after a group of high-performing employees quit. This is the opportunity to do some serious self-reflection about why they felt the need to leave and what changes can be implemented so that more hard-working, well-trained folks don't leave high and dry. Unfortunately, in order to make smart judgment calls in these scenarios, these managers need to develop an ounce of self-awareness and honesty so they can realistically admit where…
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Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Going back on a promise is not exactly how one maintains loyalty at a company. This employer made his own bed when he offered a new hire more money than the loyal employee who was promised a raise and promotion for the longest time. Perhaps this toxic boss was under the impression that no one was going to find out. Well, considering the fact that this employee splits responsibilities with their manager and is the only person with access to the same exact company information, the idea that he wo…
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'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

Sometimes, employees who have been so profoundly mistreated have no other choice but to quit in spectacular fashion. Of course, the ideal situation would be to leave on amicable terms. A clean and friendly exit can benefit the reputation of both the company and the former employee moving forward. However, one has to be treated with dignity and respect in order to return that favor to one's employers. If that social contract has been ignored, then workers should feel no obligation to their bosse…
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'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

This is your sign to ask for that raise, and don't you dare lowball yourself!
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‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

Sometimes, enough is enough.
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'[She] quit before lunch on the first day': The quickest on-the-spot quits employees have witnessed firsthand

'[She] quit before lunch on the first day': The quickest on-the-spot quits employees have witnessed firsthand

When you go into a new job and realize immediately that you're not going to be happy, is it better to quit on the first day or give it some time?
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‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

Sorry boss, the damage is done.
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‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

‘I told them to kick rocks’: Employee quits after 5 years of being denied a promotion, panicked company finally offers him a promotion, but it's too late

Greedy companies are gonna greedy, but karma still gonna karma.
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'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

So you're stuck at an awful job, and you can feel the pressure of it starting to build up. Day after day with an overbearing boss, or maybe you have the world's worst coworkers who won't stop bothering you at your cubicle. Some bosses refuse to respect your time off, meaning you're constantly checking your phone and emails even when you're off the clock. You start to daydream about quitting . Maybe you start looking around on job sites to see what's out there. If you don't quit soon enough, you…
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'You don't leave a company high and dry all at once?!': Boss enforces three months notice after mass quitting, causes more backlash

'You don't leave a company high and dry all at once?!': Boss enforces three months notice after mass quitting, causes more backlash

Talk about a way to turn your few remaining loyal employees against you! This boss decided that the best way to respond to a mass quitting was to send a hostile message to the remaining folks on her team enforcing new strict policies. Those policies were that if anyone decided to leave, they needed to put in three months' notice before doing so. First of all, this boss must be foolish because she simply cannot enforce that when it comes to at-will employment. Second of all, what she should be d…
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Employee quits, then orchestrates an audit to get former boss fired three years later: 'She couldn't prove that she didn't misuse funds'

Employee quits, then orchestrates an audit to get former boss fired three years later: 'She couldn't prove that she didn't misuse funds'

Imagine putting a toxic work experience behind you and thinking you've completely moved on until the opportunity to get your boss back conveniently arises. Sure, you may have transitioned to bigger and better things in life, but you cannot help but admit that you still harbor a little resentment from those horrid years you endured under such problematic leadership. This Redditor put in her notice after her bosses accused her of doing zero work despite all the evidence proving otherwise (meanwhi…
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'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

The audacity these companies have!
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'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

These workers had a few choice words for their bosses, like “good luck” and “good riddance.” They're proof that you can only treat your employees badly for so long before they decide that the grass is greener at other employers.
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'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

Every office has an infuriating coworker, and they can really be the difference between a perfectly average day at work and the worst day of your life. This week, we have a variety of difficult team members that range from the entitled to the chaotic. The entitled ones tend to boss you around even when they are just slightly senior according to the company hierarchy. The chaotic ones, however, can be even worse, as these stories will show. Sometimes, you actually befriend your chaotic coworker,…
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Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that giving two weeks is a courtesy, not a requirement. If you do end up quitting without giving two weeks, that does not mean you are relinquishing any other prior rights as an employee. To translate to this specific scenario, your boss cannot dock your final pay because of your choice to quit on the spot. In this instance, we have a fast food employee who used to work at a very well-known establishment famous for its donuts (if you catch our drift).…
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'Use your two weeks notice to get rid of it': Administrative assistant deletes and shreds all their files

'Use your two weeks notice to get rid of it': Administrative assistant deletes and shreds all their files

The real boss of an office isn't the president or CFO, it's actually their assistant . While higher-ups get all the glory of that job, they spend a lot of their days taking phone calls and meetings. Their assistants are often the ones organizing these, as well as writing follow-up emails, answering the office phone, ordering their lunch or coffees, and possibly even managing parts of their personal life. These administrative assistants are a force to be reckoned with: they're organized and cool…
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