
'I deleted all my documents': Non-profit employee quits after starting two-part plan

'I deleted all my documents': Non-profit employee quits after starting two-part plan, then the non-profit blames them for plan's failure

'[I] automated my boss out of her job': Boss sneaks out of work to have an affair, employee automates every task she does

'[I] automated my useless boss out of her job': Boss sneaks out of work to have an affair, employee automates every task she does

'Spiderman 3: Beans Editions': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

'Spiderman 3: Beans Edition': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

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'The only reason I took it was for the raise': Boss begs their salesperson to cover their position while they're on maternity leave, then cuts their salary last minute, shorting them ~$200 per week

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25 Retail Worker Fail Memes You’ll Relate to if You’re Working For a Commission

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'Your new total will be...': To save $2, penny-pinching Karen disrespects a retail employee, catching karma and losing money because of an expired coupon

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'Are you a moron?': Retail cashier gets chewed out by a Karen after offering her a rewards credit card for the second time

My idiot boss just lost $300.000 Dollars over 30 cents

'The client was so angry': Pedantic boss costs company $300,000 sale over $0.30 transaction fee

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'The war on Toyotathon starts earlier every year': Car salesman and his manager get in a fist fight at the dealership, hilarity ensues in the comment section

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

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Woman Fired From Cellphone Store For Refusing to Clean Up Other People's Dishes

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Entitled Marketplace Karen Loses It

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Mobile Phone Salesman Catches Boss and Coworker Stealing and Taking Advantage of People With Intellectual Disabilities

A glorified manager tries to monopolize the company's sales calls, and then lives to regret it.

Glorified Manager Tries To Monopolize Sales Calls, Lives To Regret It

Sales assistant lies about leads, gets outed | r/ProRevenge u/sting2018 1y Join 2 3 strikes and out? Cool got this work sales, and work as team have an assistant who helps get leads and set appointments. Well this one particular assistant and did not get along at all. This particular assistant kept going my boss behind my back report every little incident, which is really fucking annoying. Part my role as senior rep training, however this assistant former business owner and knew do job and

Lousy Sales Assistant Lies About Leads, Gets Outed

Incompetent sales rep measures wrong, blames it on builders, loses six figure client | r/ProRevenge Join u/misunderstoodpotato 1y Measure wrong and blame on customer? Prepare loose six figure client. Hi everyone, This isn't my pro revenge, but my builder's about 15 years ago they were building my house architect our house insistent on sash windows, and only maintenance free sash windows were available my country at time were only available one manufacturer. Now this manufacturer had very stuck

Incompetent Sales Rep Measures Wrong, Loses Six Figure Client