
teacher teachers son family money pay wage wages education system salary underpaid reddit work working job tradesman craftsman employee working workplace

'Me? $53,000 a year with $70K in student debt': Mom torn between pride and lament when her teacher's salary proves to be <50% of what her teenage son makes as a tradesman

‘How much of a pay cut is the CEO taking?’: Employee drags company through the mud after they inform her of pay reduction due to company's 'financial struggles'

‘How much of a pay cut is the CEO taking?’: Employee drags company through the mud after they inform her of pay reduction due to company's 'financial struggles'

salary boss antiwork employee drama job work coworkers Horrible Bosses hourly employee reddit thread Reddit company business entitled people employment in the workplace - 35583749

Boss promotes all hourly employees to salary, workers find out 6 months later that he lied: 'Because he was now “salary,” we didn’t see compensation for those extra hours'

‘This will be deducted from your paycheck’: Boss refuses to pay employee until they go back home and get their forgotten work badge, employee reports boss to upper management

‘This will be deducted from your paycheck’: Boss refuses to pay employee until they go back home and get their forgotten work badge, employee reports boss to upper management

‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

‘There's more to life than money’: Overworked employee accepts job offer that is $70K lower than current salary, leading to a heated discussion about work-life balance

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

‘I don’t work for you': Candidate declines job offer only to have company call him the next day and demand he show up for shift, refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘You insulted my career’: Employee with 20 years of work experience gets offered minimum wage at job interview, he accepts, only to never show up on the first day

‘You insulted my career’: Employee with 20 years of work experience gets offered minimum wage at job interview, he accepts, only to never show up on the first day

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Prospective employee gets burned after 7 rounds of interviews when the company claims the job listing was ‘incorrect’, offering $70,000 less than promised: ‘Classic bait and switch’

‘I haven’t got a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

‘I haven’t gotten a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

38 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

38 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

salary boss workplace-stories employee manager job tales-from-the-workplace reddit story workplace paycheck payment Reddit company funny - 25729285

‘The system makes no sense’: New hire refuses to accept company's payroll system, accusing manager of withholding his pay

‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Employees weren't happy with their wage': Department head informs employees she'd deduct their wages if she could, demands they "be mindful"

'Employees weren't happy with their wage': Department head informs employees she'd deduct their wages if she could, demands they "be mindful"