

‘I’m listening to the map, I'm not listening to you': Brother turns car ride into 3.5 hour journey after being told by his sister to ‘stop giving her directions’

‘I’m listening to the map, I'm not listening to you': Brother turns car ride into 3.5 hour journey after being told by his sister to ‘stop giving her directions’

Spending time in a long car ride with your sibling tests your rage levels like nothing else. Back in the day, before digital maps were a thing, I would be in charge of telling my father where to go, which turn to take, etc, and the car ride always ended with him shouting and me in tears. Now, if I'm driving with a family member somewhere, I tell them to argue with the app, not with me. This brother found a clever way to get back at his sister when they were headed to meet their dad at a car dea…
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