
'I have no way to get into my house': Landlord refuses to help after woman gets locked out of apartment while roommate is on vacation

'I have no way to get into my house': Landlord refuses to help after woman gets locked out of apartment while her roommate is on vacation

'You are freeloading!': Woman kicks roommate's mooching "friend" out for refusing to pay utility bill

'You are freeloading!': Woman kicks roommate's mooching "friend" out for refusing to pay utility bill

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UPDATE: 'This is my property': Tenants stop paying rent after landlords fail to do repairs, tenants win in lawsuit

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

'Overstay your welcome?': Roommate's boyfriend keeps hogging the bathroom in the morning, cue petty revenge

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'I decided to evict them this morning': Mother of three kicks out roommates for throwing a party against her wishes

House Rules When Your Roommate Is A Kevin

'No hiding coffee in the furniture': Bumbling roommate requires 'unique house rules' due to his silly mistakes

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

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'I don't wanna be your mommy': Man kicks out gaslighting roommate after he tries to guilt him into cleaning up his dirty dishes

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'This is nacho food': Guy keeps breaking things and eating roommate's food, roommate gets cheesy revenge

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Top Roommate Problems of the Week (April 25, 2023)

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'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': College students confront roommate's boyfriend after he keeps parking in their driveway

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

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'I know this is petty': Roommates share thermostat with neighbors, neighbors keep setting it to wild temperatures, cue revenge

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest

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'I know [it] will drive them insane': Roomate has had it with entitled passive aggressive couple she lives with, cue petty revenge

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'My roommate is holding our wifi hostage': Woman demands roommate return wifi after feud