

You blamed me for all of your IT troubles. So I made your entire department redundant.

Karen scapegoats IT Guy for her stupid nonexistent problems, he makes her entire department redundant

Sometimes in life… the low road is the right one. This Karen brought a metaphorical knife to an actual nuclear arms race when she decided to go toe to toe with this IT guy and blamed him for all of her stupid nonexistent troubles. As readers have pointed out in the comments: It's never a good idea to pick a fight with the guy who writes code when your job is easily replaced by a single line of it — that's just begging for the unfortunate outcome that has occurred for Karen here. After the repea…
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Couple decided to steal a deeded parking space | I work in a place with a deeded parking garage - each spaced is owned by a resident. But we only have 75 spots, and 300 units. If you don't have a spot, ya gotta permit park your car on the street or find a parking garage in the neighborhood.

'Granny told them it would be $150 bucks': Entitled couple steals deeded parking space, has their car trapped... and faces the wrath of "Granny"

Once in a while, you come across someone who you decided to mess with and who you absolutely should not have messed with. Notable entries to this list who come to mind would be John Wick (seriously, leave the guy's dog alone), Master Chief (Grunts don't call him “The Demon” for nothing), Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino (who inspired the intro quote), and Granny (park in her space at your own peril). These individuals all have the common trait of displaying a laid-back outward demeanor that doesn'…
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I got my childhood bully arrested

'I guess you can say his debt has been paid': Guy gets his childhood bully arrested years later

As someone wise once said, Karma is a God.
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One day the field rep called because he didn’t like how we’d answered an email. Not that we hadn’t answered it, just that he didn’t like the manner in which it had been answered. After decades of dealing with this shipper, being micromanaged to that level was not something that we were interested in.

'You should fire us!.. Ok.': Freight company follows through on client's empty threat, calls their bluff and stops servicing them

There's a prevalent school of thought that prevails when it comes to client servicing: Do anything (and everything) possible to keep them happy and contracted; having worked in these sectors in the past, upper management never likes seeing a contract cancellation notice pass across their desk, even if that contract was costing the business money.
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Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

What goes around comes back around after all. Sometimes sooner than later.
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It is a really bad idea to make a government employee angry | Both of the police units showed up and I let them know what was going on. They were both appropriately agitated to have to waste their time and let not nice guy know that I was within in my authority to proceed with the investigation.

'He stated berating me': Jerk neighbor breaks code, gets served bureaucratic justice by disgruntled government employee

There's an old saying that's continually relevant to customer service: The squeaky wheel gets the grease; it's true, more often than not, following up consistently with a service provider (and being generally bothersome) will net you a faster result than those who wait silently. Most people choose to do this by obnoxiously demanding service but obnoxious or not, it's always important to be polite. Being polite, maybe firm, when necessary, will always net you a better result than being a bellend…
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We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

A stupid directive necessitates an even stupider response — that's why these employees decided to eat their lunch in the middle of their CEO's annual update when their boss told them the meeting was going to count as their lunch for the day. The boss would soon learn to regret their bold words when their entire team threw them right under the bus as soon as the CEO started asking questions about the buffet that was taking place before their very eyes. When put to sharp questioning, the boss dec…
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How I got a car dealership to give my friend a "newer" car

Idiot friend buys car at outrageous price from scummy dealer, guy gets him a free new car when he realizes dealer committed fraud

The stereotype of the sleazy salesman is one that holds very true to reality. There are far too many people in the trade who will do anything it takes to close a sale and there are also far too many industries breeding these manipulators. Part of it is the fault of commission-based work: When you work with no guarantee of consistent pay, you're likely to turn to drastic methods to put food on the table. You usually then realize that there's no ceiling to your income as long as you can close an…
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Park across 2 spaces so nobody parks next to you? Challenge accepted!

'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN!': Entitled parkers try to take multiple parking spots and leave one tiny one, dude accepts their challenge

Sometimes a moment so perfect presents itself to us that it's impossible to resist temptation — even if it's something we know we shouldn't be doing. Bonus points here if doing said inadvisable act results in just desserts being served on deserving, entitled persons. That's the chance that presented itself to Redditor u/Jack932008 when they happened across a tiny empty parking space that we being encroached upon by the two adjacent entitled parkers, who were trying to keep their cars well away…
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Take my tips and pay me below minimum wage. See what happens!

'I believe it came out to a little under 100k': Company cheats delivery driver out of tips, has to backpay all former employees and pay fines

There will always be employers out there who think that they can step on the little guy's toes while dipping their hand into their wallet in order to turn a profit. In reality, if you can't manage to make a business profitable in an honest way, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be in business at all. This college guy worked for a delivery company that insisted on taking a percentage of driver's tips under the guise of covering operating costs. This happened even if the employees then…
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manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers factory-worker factory workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 18471429

'Under his command the company need[ed] extra 2000 manhours when for over 10 years it never did': New boss sets stupid new rules for factory shut down, the predictable occurs

It's incredible how often new managers and owners fail to learn not to touch things until they understand them. Except, they're usually so wrapped up and embroiled in their own egos that they're blinded to logic or reason. Desperate to prove themselves and their competence — they proceed to make the most incompetent and inconceivable changes to things that should have been left well enough alone. From there, the predictable happens: The workplace and/or budgets spiral out of control, and the bo…
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They must be MY leaves on MY curb? As you wish.

'I spoke with my neighbors and acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy leaves gargantuan mountain of leaves after leaf collection company leafs through their rulebook then leaves his leaves and leaves

There's a whole lotta left leaves going on in this thread, and we're left wondering why a company whose entire existence and sole purpose is collecting leaves is so bad at doing so. You wouldn't expect a leaf collection company to operate like city parking enforcement agencies — which are, without exception, the most useless organizations on the planet. Well, expectations aside, this leaf collection cartel is hilariously particular about what leaves they will collect and where. Any leaves that…
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood mother revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor - 18448133

'I definitely put a dent in [their marriage]': Single mother catfishes condescending righteous neighbors in ultimate act of retribution

Whatever belief, culture, lifestyle, or background you come from or follow, there's a unifying ideal that we should all abide by: Treat others with respect. You never know what someone else has had to endure, what they've managed to make it through, or what trials and tribulations they face or have faced. This is why that whole “not judging” thing is so prevalent and important in belief structures ("Do not judge, or you too will be judged") — who are you to think yourself worthy of passing judg…
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No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

Nothing like getting petty revenge on a Karen!
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Block my driveway? I don't know where your car went. | This JUST happened. In fact I am still a little pumped of adrenaline (Off such a little act, WHAT a rush).

'He looked incredibly confused': Guy parks van in dudes driveway, dude makes van disappear

“I am going to make this van… — disappear!” If you could describe this story with a single movie title, it would be: “Gone in 60 seconds"; because that's just about how long it took to orchestrate this genius act of towing revenge
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I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time

Hanlon's razor urges us to “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity," — yet I can't help but shake the thought that Hanlon might have underestimated the malfeasant tactics that would be employed by 21st-century hustlers to get ahead. For sure, there is still plenty of stupid involved in these strategies but, in a world were insider trading goes unpunished, NFTs
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