

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

There's nothing worse than being stuck next to a crying baby on a plane. Obviously, being an adult, you're supposed to apparently just turn your ears off for however long your flight is, enduring the screeching screams of the wailing infant next to you– they're the one that's uncomfortable, okay? Of course, they can't help it, they're just a baby and without a doubt, their sleep-deprived parent is counting down the seconds until the end of the flight just as much as you are.
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The time I ruined my high school teachers career and got her fired in the greatest way possible.

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words

Think of your worst teacher ever, and imagine the satisfaction of getting them fired. Well, this kid lived out everyone's dream, as he shared in a popular post that garnered plenty of praise for him and condemnation for his teacher. He basically had a teacher who would constantly put him down, including with some horrific insults that are just straight-up bullying. So he decided to get back at her using her own words, and it turned into an absolute s***show for the teacher , Ms. Frank. Check ou…
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pro revenge workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story revenge petty revenge petty workplace work-story interviews interview employment - 20347141

'They are not qualified': Worker blocks old coworker and boss's applications when they interview at worker's new company

It always pays to be kind—or at least decent. You never know when that karmic pendulum is going to swing right back at you and knock you on your rear… The world is a far smaller place than we take it to be and only gets smaller as you isolate down into the people you're likely to interact with based on demographics. Within a given industry, it's more than likely that you'll encounter the same people over the course of years spent in different jobs, even if you move cities. This idea gives rise…
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Don’t want to be asked for anything more? Okay. No problem. | So a few years ago I worked as an administrator at a finance company. It was my job to create contract documents and ensure everything was secure and legit. E

'He was getting ruder every time we spoke': Scammy business guy tries to bully administrator and gets shut down, loses sale

It's often the case that treating people with respect will net you the best result, no matter how frustrating you find something to be. That doesn't mean that you won't need to lean a bit of weight on an ineffective organization or bureaucratic nightmare; the fact of the matter is that, often, in these cases, being the squeaky wheel will get you the grease. But, again, you should always do this with as much kindness and respect as possible. Having been on the other side of this in customer serv…
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parking lot revenge cars petty revenge reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 20356869

'Block me in, I'll block you in': Couple blocks guy's car in lot, guy blocks their car from exiting, watches them drive over spikes

Folks, we call this car-ma!
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neighbors neighbor-stories karen-neighbor revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors apartments neighborhood-stories petty revenge Bad Neighbor apartment - 20346373

'They had to move': Woman gets her neighbors evicted following their excessive complaints

Feuds between neighbors have nothing but losers—the sanctity of existence being continually besmirched by your arch-nemeses constant and continuous close proximity. The persistent presence of something so infuriating is enough to drive even the most level-headed people to insanely petty lengths, which is probably why there is no shortage of stories online where bad neighbors have driven each other to the bitter ends of sanity. Apartments can be especially bad for this; with so many people cramm…
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revenge cars road rage petty revenge reddit thread Reddit - 20325125

'That’s what he gets for cutting you off': Guy recognizes reckless driver in his store, gets revenge by throwing him out

When someone cuts you off on the road, you never imagine you'll get to run into them again. But that's exactly what happened to this guy.
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landlord revenge petty revenge Airbnb girlfriend reddit thread Reddit apartment - 20314885

'You should not have any more problems': Couple discovers neighbor's questionable AirBnB ring, leasing office shuts it down

This guy is lucky to have a girlfriend with this kind of initiative! She discovered that four adjacent units in their building were being used as an AirBnB ring against management rules. Speaking of management, how did the leasing office not figure this out on its own? Especially when these four units were rented under the same name and there was a constant flow of guests coming and going. Do your jobs, people! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Tunasaladboatcaptai…
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pro revenge work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story revenge i quit quit petty revenge toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20292357

'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

Undertaking a gambit with the sole purpose of making someone else look ridiculous—well, that's a risky move. There's a good chance that the whole thing could backfire and make you look ridiculous instead. After all, you should never put down all your best monsters at once when your opponent has a trap card face down on the field. (Mirror Force, anyone?) This manager tried to use a security guard's report as an example, presumably as a way of humiliating them to get them to leave the company. Th…
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Cheapskate Boss | I worked as a shift supervisor in a department of about 60 employees. Every year there is a designated week to celebrate our profession.

'I saw red': Cheapskate boss forces shift supervisors to pay for company pizza parties and refuses to tip, shift supervisors pays them in pettily dispensed pennies

Company pizza parties are, at best, a bandage solution for poor employee morale resulting from poor company culture and worker compensation; shelling out $60 for a few pizzas doesn't suddenly erase months of missed breaks, understaffing, unpaid overtime, and other practices that reek of borderline exploitation. Yet — this is the go-to solution for so many workplaces that insist that their exploited, exhausted workers are “family” — if that's really how you treat your family… are they still spea…
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pro revenge neighbors neighbor-stories neighborhood revenge nuclear revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor neighbor - 20322053

'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

Disruptive, rude, trashy, and entitled neighbors can make the serenity of time at home into a living nightmare—especially when they're literally throwing their trash over the fence into your yard. Unfortunately, there's not often a whole lot you can do to rid yourself of this behavior—unless they're blatantly breaking laws or covenants. But if you actually had the means to buy your peace and serenity back… would you? As the original poster of this thread asks: What price would you put on peace…
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parking-drama-stories parking-drama neighbors parking space neighborhood parking lots revenge neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge petty Bad Neighbor parking neighbor - 20304901

'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

There's snow-where to run and snow-where to hide from the ice-cold vengeance that's coming your way after you steal the parking spot that someone has spent hours digging out in a freezing tundra of a historic blizzard. Sure, there may not be any legalities surrounding the claimant's claim to a dug-out spot, but when you've lived in areas that get this much snowfall, you know—and respect—the code. If you choose to dishonor the code, there's no telling what might happen to your vehicle. The sheer…
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pro revenge karens entitled parents revenge karen-customer customers chef chefs service entitled karen entitled people service industry karen-stories entitled-people-stories - 20278021

'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

If you read the original poster's title as ‘Hitachi Fun’ instead of ‘Hibachi Fun,’ like me, you were expecting a very different thread.
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scammer car revenge cars scammers petty revenge scams reverse-uno mechanic - 20292613

'[He] was beet red': Mechanic wrongly assumes woman knows nothing about cars, backfires

It's usually best not to make assumptions about people based on appearance. Generally, this is considered a bad move… while also being unethical. Plus, when your designs are dishonest, making assumptions about people's ability to recognize your deceit could backfire spectacularly. In this story, this scammer mechanic completely underestimated his customer because he deemed her to be an easy target, expecting a small blonde woman not to know all that much about cars. The thing is, both her broth…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20291845

'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

Just because you're in charge doesn't mean you know better or have more experience—that's not your job. It's your job to ensure that the people who know how to do that job are getting it done and have the resources and ability to do so. A lot of managers get this confused or let their gargantuan ego get in the way, and then they end up with situations like this. Bonus points in these situations apply if the experienced subordinate is also significantly younger than the manager, which will often…
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customer support customer service barista malicious compliance retail revenge karen-customer customers customer-story customer talesfromyourserver service industry - 20261637

'Did I stutter': Biker dude wants a coffee with no coffee, gets his wish

If you're going to be this confidently incorrect about something and then be rude when the person who knows what they're talking about tries to correct your mistake—you deserve whatever is coming to you. In this case, what's coming to you is a horrifically inconsumable sugary drink of the likes your tastebuds have never encountered before. When working in customer service, you end up dealing with these people quite often. Over time, instead of bending over backward to correct their mistakes (ge…
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