

reddit reddit-thread thread story true-story true petty-revenge neighbors neighbor neighborhood revenge petty drama suburbs sprinklers

'His passenger side will get blasted': Suburban man gets payback by installing 360° sprinklers to wreck his neighbor's sports car after he repeatedly drives through his lawn

The boundary between you and your neighbor is sacred. Whether you have a fence, hedges, a wall, or just a plain ol' property line, the duty of every neighbor is to respect and cherish the space in between. In a country ridden with kitschy ‘no trespassing’ signs that say "We don't call 911”, we take those boundaries pretty seriously– even in the suburbs, a place known for over-trimmed rose bushes, nosy HOA's, and passive aggression, neighborly feuds can arise quickly when the line is crossed...
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reddit reddit-story reddit-thread barista coffee customer-service service-industry shoes retail karen karens karens-in-the-wild drama tirade revenge petty payback

'Eye for an eye': Barista fights fire with fire when a customer throws her ‘incorrect’ coffee on the ground, finding the Karen at work and making a mess in her department as payback

Two can play this game.
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22329349

'It was probably somewhere close to 300 lbs [of meat]': Neighbor dents dude's car, dude tricks him into giving him a freezer full of meat

Community is essential, serving to lift up and better the existence of the individual through the support of the group through mutual aid and assistance. Of course, there's an implication of trust involved when it comes to building community. The individuals involved need to exhibit a certain amount of altruism for mutualism to exist. Take, for example, two neighbors who have established trust and understanding. Rather than asking someone else to come and take care of their house while they're…
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workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22310149

'I sabotaged her bonus': Employee tanks boss's bonus after boss demands employees mandatory financial contribution to corporate scam,

There will be times in the workplace when you'll really enjoy what you're doing, tasks seem effortless, time flows seamlessly, and results are rewarding. There will also be times when the exact opposite holds true, and every moment spent at work is excruciating. Sometimes, you'll relish the tasks your boss hands to you, whereas other tasks will make you want to gouge out your own eyes. But occasionally—rarely—throughout the course of your career, there will be tasks you'll be asked to complete…
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cart-narc cart-narcs shopping cart carts shopping-carts grocery parking parking-lot lazy petty revenge reddit disabled

'Abandoned shopping carts are my pet peeve': Cart narcs unite when a disabled woman publicly shames a shopper by laboriously returning the stranger's cart

Everyone hates when they're trying to finagle a tight spot in a parking lot and their path is blocked by a wayward shopping cart. Is it really so challenging for shoppers to return their carts to the designated areas? Or is walking an extra 20 feet too challenging? Apparently so.
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'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

When everyone in the class is getting an A, is extra credit really necessary? We've all heard of these kinds of schools where the parents are always the invisible presence in the room. Once upon a time, I used to work as a tutor for high school students and experienced the full range of entitled behavior from students and parents alike. No matter what the specifics were, the grades were never high enough and the essays were never strong enough. The students I had were often (though not always)…
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neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22291205

'He made the mistake of loudly announcing his wifi password to his guests': Dude hijacks terrible neighbor's wifi to get even

Anyone who has ever been a guest in someone's home has danced the dance of trying to connect to their Wi-Fi. If you're staying at your friend's place, they're probably able to instantly automatically authenticate you onto their network or relay to you the easily memorable, catchy, quirky phrase they use as a password. However, if you're staying with an older relative like your parents or grandparents, it's highly likely they're not even sure what their password is since they haven't connected a…
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pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge - 22266373

'[My chargeback] valued at more than the parking ticket': Woman wrongly ticketed by local parking enforcement is resolved to make them pay, submits chargeback for her original parking fee

Few government agencies carry out their tasks with as much zeal and reckless abandon as local parking enforcement. Park your vehicle in the wrong place, and you can guarantee that they'll be there—watching, waiting, with foam frothing around their mouth—you'll have a ticket on your windscreen faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind. But sometimes, it doesn't matter if you parked in the wrong place… Sometimes, you still get ticked despite doing everything you possibly could have. And, once th…
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breakup tattoos matching-tattoos tattoo ugly-tattoos dating relationships cover-up cheating cheater girlfriend boyfriend payback revenge petty-revenge reddit

'She went first... and I went home': Guy breaks up with a cheating girlfriend moments after she got his initials tattooed

The only names you should ever have permanently tattooed on your body are the names of your kids, your parents, and your deity– those things are never changing. However, a boyfriend or girlfriend's name permanently etched into your shoulder can prove to be a little riskier. You may think that'll you'll be in love forever, but that tattoo is a heckuvalot more permanent than most relationships.
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Former barista gets revenge on customer by pretending to use him as her realtor

'I called him up with the sole intention of wasting his time': Former barista gets revenge on customer by pretending to use him as her realtor

Some people say revenge is a dish best served cold. Have you ever wished you could get even with someone who was rude to you? I know I have. That’s what one former barista did when she met her old nemesis, a snooty realtor who used to belittle her and her co-workers. When u/ Forsaken-Problem6758 decided to sell her house, she had the perfect opportunity to get back at the arrogant realtor who used to treat her like dirt. She pretended to be interested in his services and wasted his time with fa…
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student university students college student problems group projects group college student pro revenge revenge petty revenge - 21965829

'I passed with honors [...] the rest all failed': Student tricks other members of her group project into failing class

Group projects serve as an important lesson to students to prepare them for the rest of their working lives. That lesson is that you can never, and should never, rely on any of your working peers for support and that you'll—more than likely—end up doing their work for them. After all, isn't that the biggest takeaway that everyone has from these experiences? Sure, it's not like you'll ever hear about or remember the time that you had a group that worked perfectly together, but you'll always reme…
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'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

The pettiest thing this person ever admitted to was the time they "put a slice of bologna in [a] walkman CD player."
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landlord landlords tenant tenants renter renters renting plot-twist revenge reddit petty deserved payback attitude

'My tenant did over $50,000 in damages': Guy gives an atrocious tenant a good referral after her future landlord gets snarky on the phone with him

There's a fragile balance of power when renters hand over a check to their landlord every month. Landlords need that money to come in and tenants need to live somewhere, so there's a predictable symbiosis in their relationship. Usually landlords are the ones with the bad rep, thwarting their power over a renter's desperation, but sometimes, landlords turn on other landlords when they get out-landlorded in public.
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farmer farmers pro revenge funny stories malicious compliance revenge city revenge-stories city life - 22085125

'He had 400 hogs delivered to what, at this point, was one of the busiest roads in town': Farmer gets revenge on developer and city government who won't pay him a fair price for his land

The bustling pace of urban life is often seen as an affront to those who have only known the relative peace of pastoral living. The two lifestyles are presented as opposite sides of the same coin, with neither capable of existing with the other—on account of the fact that the encroaching bounds of metropolitan life dissolve the countryside like a seltzer tablet in a glass of water. This story originated from a user who claimed to have found it in a comment on a different Reddit thread, neglecti…
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'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

If you've ever had an inconsiderate roommate, you probably know that it can be challenging to confront them when their behavior is out of line. Sometimes, direct confrontation isn't even the best way to make your point. It's just like how showing rather than telling can be a better way to deliver a message. Sometimes, you have to show your roommate just how inconsiderate they are by giving them a taste of their own medicine. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/psych…
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revenge payback petty-revenge petty reddit thread neighbor neighbors neighborhood tenant apartment condo upstairs

'I hope he enjoys [my] new 2AM workout': Upstairs tenant gets payback on the unit below by weaponizing her nightshift after a flurry of fallacious complaints to HOA

Mudslinging isn't very neighborly, but neighborhood feuds are more common than affordable housing. In buildings with close quarters, paper-thin walls, and rickety floorboards, it's easy to get swept up in the downright fury of a noisy, irritating neighbor– especially when you have opposite sleep rhythms. For this tenant, it was more than just the tight living conditions that sent her over the edge...
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