

'Our productivity plummeted': Employee shares how 'return to office' policy ruined their company

'Our productivity plummeted': Employee shares how 'return to office' policy ruined their company

The human brain has a tendency to cherry-pick relevant details and information that support decisions we've already made and opinions that we've already formed. Confirmation bias is a real and relevant thing, especially in the world of ubiquitous information. No longer do we have to be a specialist in a topic in order to access the information that was once only readily available to us. But do we have the skills, experience, and training to interpret that information, or are we merely overstati…
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'Company ended remote work today': Worker laments the loss of remote working despite record productivity at their company

It's always surprising when decisions directly contradict an organization's stated values and fly in the face of their own data and analytics. Yet, many companies' responses to remote working are exactly that, choosing to return to offices despite increased productivity and record profits. It leads one to wonder… why? The real answer we'll never know, but it is probably close to what is often theorized in these discussions: Somewhere a manager—who still hasn't adapted to their perceived loss of…
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