
retail job

‘You get what you asked for’: Customer demands to be transferred to ‘anyone else’, employee grants their request

‘You get what you asked for’: Customer demands to be transferred to ‘anyone else’, employee grants their request

You stare gloomily outside the foggy windows of your car as you drive the long winding, traffic-loaded roads on your way to work. The clouds look foreboding, and you know it's about to rain, judging from their dark, gray color. Finally, you pull up to the office parking lot, your car splashing through muddy puddles. Though it's hard to imagine, this is the least miserable moment of your day. Picture it yet? Congratulations, you work in customer service. One person recounts their experience, wor…
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‘I'll show you!’: The most satisfying awkward silence ensues after entitled lady attempts getting snarky with retail employee but ends up proving herself wrong

Oh how the tables have turned! There's nothing more satisfying than when you work in retail and the entitled customer takes themselves to the cleaners. You don't even have to get your own hands dirty. OP here experienced that bliss while working at a store in the mall. The store they worked at closed an hour earlier than the entire mall complex, thus some customers would get confused. Usually, not a big deal to tell them their hours and then the customer usually says, “oops, okay” and then carr…
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