
retail employee

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

Retail worker shares how she shut down 2 different super Karens in 1 day, manager has her back: ‘We laugh about it’

“We laughed about it but it really was the craziest encounter with entitled people…”
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'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

It's our duty to keep the Karen inside of us all in check, though, sometimes you might need a little help from your partner to do so.
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'The only thing in the 'back' is the cardboard crusher': Toy store employee gladly ditches a Karen at the register after getting ordered to dig through ‘the back’ for an out of stock item

Mama Bears are the fiercest competitor at the store, collecting goods and gifts for their offspring. However, as they're vying for front-of-the-line positions, fighting for special deals, and demanding that retail employees jump through hoops for the purchases, mothers can quickly transform into Karens.
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karens retail retail satisfaction retail worker retail employee reddit karen retail job karens in the wild karen karma working retail karen story karen retail nightmare - 22805253

‘I'll show you!’: The most satisfying awkward silence ensues after entitled lady attempts getting snarky with retail employee but ends up proving herself wrong

Oh how the tables have turned! There's nothing more satisfying than when you work in retail and the entitled customer takes themselves to the cleaners. You don't even have to get your own hands dirty. OP here experienced that bliss while working at a store in the mall. The store they worked at closed an hour earlier than the entire mall complex, thus some customers would get confused. Usually, not a big deal to tell them their hours and then the customer usually says, “oops, okay” and then carr…
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customer service failblog customer service employee r-retailhell retail retail employee working customer service karen customers customer service jobs Reddit working retail retail jobs retailer entitled people - 22724101

'No, sir... It's 11AM': Retailers swap stories of how customers ruined their days first thing in the morning

The duties that are require to work in retail might seem minuscule, but we assure you, they're not. Karens might say it's all just standing around and doing anything and everything the customer says, but that's just simply incorrect. There is so much in the backend and behind the scenes that needs done that customer's don't see. For example, opening the store. It isn't just unlocking the doors, it's setting up the system, doing inventory, restocking the store, online duties, etc. Unfortunately,…
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