

penny-pinching karen karens karens-in-the-wild coupon coupons extreme sale sales on-sale retail employee cashier coworkers customer-service customer customers return

'Your new total will be...': To save $2, penny-pinching Karen disrespects a retail employee, catching karma and losing money because of an expired coupon

Shoppers can all agree that getting a good deal on a purchase is the best feeling in the world, but some Karens take the coupon hoarding to the next level. Although it's fun to get a discount every now and then, extreme couponing is the bane of every retail workers existence, especially when the person wielding the magazine clippings that'll save them $.50 cents acts like a tyrannical maniac to every worker.
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funny puns revenge story epic-revenge satisfying-revenge pun memes cringe petty revenge retail-employee Reddit working retail punniful punny toxic-coworker funny - 20421637

'That's a rather Hot Topic': Retail employee gets revenge on entitled coworker, sparks painfully hilarious shopping pun thread on Reddit

Wow… We are so sorry, but if we have to endure these puns, so do you. Some people love a punniful world , while others cringe at the painful dad-jokesque comedy. Recently, a Redditor shared a story from when they were younger and working in retail. Posted on the subreddit r/PettyRevenge, the story is about a toxic coworker she had. She said that this coworker was lazy and always going MIA during important shifts. She would frame other employees to get in trouble for her wrongdoings and would fi…
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management customer service toxic-manager store-manager retail retail worker general manager bad-management employees retail-employee Reddit assistant manager toxic-work-environment - 19822341

'My manager is too lazy... AITA for snapping [at him]?': Retail assistant manager lays down the law with store manager, gets praised by Redditors for standing up for herself and her employees

There's nothing like working a really demanding job and not getting support from your manager. It really just puts the salt directly to the wound, doesn't it? If you have ever worked retail, then you know exactly how demanding it is. The actual work you do for the store, like restock, organizing, etc. isn't the hard part. The most difficult part is dealing with the customers and, let's be honest, your coworkers. If you don't have a team that can work together, then you are going to fail. That b…
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