
'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

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'I regret my two weeks notice': Server faces backlash from coworkers after quitting

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'We microwaved her salad': Servers share the strangest things customers have ever asked for

'I got fired for changing': Server fired after customer sees her using the public bathroom stall to change into uniform

'I got fired for changing': Server fired after customer sees her using the public bathroom stall to change into uniform

'Do you have grass-fed salmon?': 30+ Unusual questions waiters get asked by customers

'Do you have grass-fed salmon?': 30+ Ridiculously dumb questions waiters get asked by their customers

‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

Waitress responds to diners who don't care for about her outfit

'They’re rude from the start': Waitress claps back at diners who complained about her outfit

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

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'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

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'Tell the chef to make this for me like he [hates] me': Customer asks for extreme spice, lives to regret it

Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends

'I got kicked out': Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends, son makes it extra awkward

Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

'I called up corporate': Delivery driver phones a customer's boss

'I called up corporate (yes, call me Karen)': Delivery driver phones a lying customer's boss

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong