
resignation letter

work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss bosses manager quit resign resignation job business company letter spam email police welfare check

Clueless Boss Sends Police to Do a ‘Welfare Check’ on an Ex-Employee After Ignoring Their Resignation Notice

Spam emails hit your inbox every day. Whether you're avoiding daily discounts from incessant brands, disregarding subscription requests, or ignoring updates on your extended warranty, there's a lot of riff-raff that comes through your email that can go straight to the trash . However, when it comes to your work email inbox, there are a few messages that can cause a lot of confusion if they're never seen– like a resignation letter.
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‘I went back to the station and quit’: Senior firefighter quits after 7 years after being written up by demanding manager

‘I went back to the station and quit’: Senior firefighter quits after 7 years after being written up by demanding manager

Paid or unpaid, it seems like the best workers always get terminated. I see this a lot in my line of work… People who work hard don't get a return on their endless commitment. Why bother putting in lots of effort if it goes unappreciated? It seems as though managers don't know how to keep their employees happy. This firefighter was volunteering at a local fire station for seven years when he finally had enough of upper management and their ridiculous demands. From asking him to work 28 twelve-h…
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‘I pressed send and smiled': Employee sends resignation email to entire company after they were refused a raise, reviewing boss's lack of managerial skills

‘I smiled and pressed send': Employee sends resignation email to entire company after they were refused a raise, reviewing boss's lack of managerial skills

One employee sent a scathing resignation email to the entire company after quitting, due to not getting a raise in over three years. Three years is a LONG time. Has this manager not heard of companies paying their employees competitive salaries? Believe it or not, there are actually companies willing to pay their employees well. Some managers simply do not appreciate their team enough, and that leads to quick turnover, which is not the ideal business model, if you know what I mean… When will co…
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'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

Working overtime often goes unappreciated in companies whose only concern is that you follow strict guidelines that were put in place for the sole reason of creating obedient little soldiers who march to their intended tune. In other words, you're a worker bee, working tirelessly within a system, who cannot physically retaliate to these unfair work conditions because stinging would result in an early grave. In this case, an employee, OP, decided to maliciously comply with his boss, who kept cal…
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