

'They pushed it too far': New residents demand to use neighbor's garden, bathroom and kitchen, while theirs is 'under construction'; neighbors refuse

'They pushed it too far': New residents demand to use neighbor's garden, bathroom and kitchen, while theirs is 'under construction'; neighbors refuse

Unless you live in a secluded spot in the wilderness, you are constantly gambling with whom you end up neighbors with. Maybe you end up next to LeBron and Roberta, those cool, laid-back neighbors who always have sugar handy when you run out. But, perhaps you wind up living next to Ken and Karen, the type of entitled folk who either grew up without any manners or never properly picked them up because of some kind of fluke in their personality. Unfortunately, u/controversial_jelly ended up with t…
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‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

Apartment residents don't always have complete control over what happens in their home, and sometimes nature does its duty, a contractor pulls the wrong wire, or your four year old nephew pulls the fire alarm. Whatever the case may be, sometimes our supervision and good intentions make no difference. Such was the case for one person whose fire sprinkler went off due to something their contractor did. Of course, OP was not at fault, but the HOA apparently disagreed. Let's start at the beginning.…
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