

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

'Send a Virgo': 20+ Funny food delivery instructions that had nothing to do with food

These customers have jokes! Up next, these people had their “I don't get paid enough for this” moments, like one person who shared that they had to spend an hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs.
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'My request fell on deaf ears': Employees ignore ticketing system, IT team refuse to help with locating files in response

'My request fell on deaf ears': Employees ignore ticketing system, IT team refuse to help with locating files in response

IT support teams usually thrive on order. This employee recalled an annoying story about workers who refused to open a ticket. Forget phone calls, emails, or surprise visits. He wanted a ticket, or it didn't happen. Enter chaos. A frantic email landed in his group inbox: 'Can't save files! See screenshot!' Attached was a picture of an 'access denied' error message. No details about the file's location, just a list of user IDs needing access. Well, great. Granting access wasn't exactly his and h…
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'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious person leaves note telling neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

'Halloween is over! Take everything down': Mysterious Halloween hater leaves note demanding neighbor remove all Halloween decorations on the day after the holiday

This person couldn't have undecorated fast enough for one of their neighbors. It seems like every year people debate how long it's okay to leave holiday decorations up until. Is it okay to leave a Christmas tree up until February? What about leaving holiday lights up year-round? And when exactly should you switch from Thanksgiving decorations to Hanukkah or Christmas ones? It varies differently from family to family. Plus, people set up their decorations at different times, too. Some love to st…
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work workplace coworker manager managers supervisor supervisors employee employees worker working boss bosses quit quitting payback pto vacation request time-off schedule masters reddit

'It's going on [your] permanent record': Manager threatens their employee after illegally revoking their PTO pay; outraged worker quits, gets their masters degree, and moves on to greener pastures

Toxic work environments usually start with a totalitarian manager. Although managers are a necessary evil in the workplace, they sometimes overstep the boundaries on reasonable requests. The Lordly Dukes of Management usually think that their employees are just peasants living in a Feudal system of their own making...
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entitled people and their bold irrational demands

Entitled People and Their Ceaseless Demands

Gotta love it.
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strange wishes make-a-wish kids made

Strange Make-A-Wish Wishes Kids Requested

"If that's what you want, okay."
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entitled people and their dumb demands

Entitled People and Their Amazing Demands

Behold, the breathtaking requests!
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The Tips Better be Amazing for Room Service Like This

Via GuiltTripped

Not Just a Spammer, But a Lying Spammer

App chat games request spam - 6439259136
Created by Unknown

Democracy Inaction

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Via -nox-

A Family Request

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chores crazy things parents say Father mother request - 59751171

Obligations, Always Obligations...

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Abby's Dad Will Have to Clear that With Piggy First

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Acid Rain? Maybe an Acceptable Request. Otherwise...

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Via Reddit

This Is What He Calls 'Being a Loyal Friend'

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Created by clairethemerciless

That's a Clever Way of Saying "I Quit"

i quit job quitting request time off - 5324708352
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