
remote work

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

Who hasn't had a paranoid thought during a Zoom call? Perhaps you're wondering if you really are on mute or if your screen is still being shared and someone saw that passive-aggressive text you sent about your boss. Perhaps this paranoia is legitimate because something like this actually happened to you. Over the past several years, we have all had to adjust to these remote calls, and some employees are just not built for it. This collection of Zoom mixups and mishaps ranges from workplace dram…
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'Bro, you won the game': Employee let go from job that they completely self-automated for five years

'Bro, you won the game': Employee let go from job that they completely self-automated for five years

This person is the embodiment of “Work smarter, not harder.”
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Update: 'I do 5 times the work she does': Sales worker frustrated with job after their incapable coworker gets the same bonus

Update: 'I do 5 times the work she does': Sales worker frustrated with job after their incapable coworker gets the same bonus

This person was in a frustrating work environment , and they decided to take the internet's advice on how to handle it. Working at a small business has its perks and drawbacks. When you're working for a company with only 15 people, you'll get to know your coworkers and bosses much better than you would at a company with 300 employees. That doesn't necessarily mean you'll enjoy working with them, though, as this person, u/AssignmentFit461, found out first-hand. Since starting their new remote wo…
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opinion boss work from home worker remote work employee employer workplace-discussion Office work environment wfh reddit thread Reddit - 24856069

'It's much easier to focus without all the office politics and gossip': 20+ Remote Employees Share Their Reasons for Working from Home

When it comes to working from home, employees can have different views. Some find that they can focus much better, get more things done, and save time during the day when they don't have to commute. However, others may find it challenging to work from home due to distractions from other things such as pets and household chores. With most workplaces switching back to in-person work after having a remote environment during the pandemic, it raises the question of which is better. Some employers fi…
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'You need to get me back online': Remote employee left with no internet at home after assuming company pays for it, then gets fired for blaming tech support

'You need to get me back online': Remote employee left with no internet at home after assuming company pays for it, then gets fired for blaming tech support

Instant karma is the best kind of karma. Nobody wants to see destiny play out slowly over time… We want karma now. One remote worker called up tech support on a Friday, just as the IT employee was about to head home. The worker was livid that their internet wasn't working, and they completely flipped out on the poor IT employee who hadn't done anything wrong. The worker explained that their internet wasn't working, and demanded IT fix it right that instant. After a couple of questions, the prob…
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'How do you expect me to work if I'm not remote': Micromanaging CEO flip flops between calling programmer's job ‘remote’, leading to employee turning off alarm clock and staying home following ‘remote work' instructions

'How do you expect me to work if I'm not remote': Micromanaging CEO flip flops between calling programmer's job ‘remote’, leading to employee turning off alarm clock and staying home following ‘remote work' instructions

Tsk, tsk, CEOs and their antics. On the one hand, you're remote because it suits the needs of upper management. On the other hand, you're not remote because of the same reason. Well, which one is it? You can't have your cake and eat it, too. This micromanaging CEO was the type of human I stay away from. Anxious and suspicious of his employees and unable to make an informed decision or directly say what he wants. Always flip-flopping back and forth. The programmer who was working under him had h…
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'My "angry email" to HR made its way all the way up the chain': CEO decides to make all remote workers start coming to the office

'My "angry email" to HR made its way all the way up the chain': CEO decides to make all remote workers start coming to the office

At some businesses, the work-from-home dream is coming to a close. There was a time not so long ago when we all had to stay indoors for a good year or two. Many people lost their jobs, while others pivoted to working remotely . It turns out that remote work is a blessing for everyone involved. Employees love basically everything about it. You can work in your sweatpants, from your nice cozy bed or couch, while eating your snacks and listening to music. It also turns out that many people are mor…
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'I'm not logging on': Worker asked to do their job remote after being told by CEO that their job couldn't be

'I'm not logging on': Worker asked to do their job remote after being told by CEO that their job couldn't be, takes the day off instead

One of the best things to come out of the train wreck that was the last four years of existence globally was the newfound discovery that working remotely was indeed possible for many jobs. Of course, this was something that workers everywhere had been trying to tell their bosses for years, but the top brass, afraid of upsetting the status quo and sending their companies into a tailspin—and wanting to maintain every last ounce of control over their workers—insisted that it just wasn't possible.…
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HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

HR manager tells worker they can't work remote whilst working remote: 'It is 100% about control'

Walking the walk of your own talk is important as a leader as it shows that you're willing to stand by the words that are coming out of your own mouth. It also helps your subordinates realize that there's no hypocrisy at play and that the rules and requirements you're enforcing apply to everyone equally.
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'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss requests constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss sabotages employees' workflow and demands constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

This boss claimed to be “old school,” but in reality, he was just creating a toxic work environment. You'll probably encounter toxic bosses at some point in your career. You'd think to be a manager, you'd have to prove your communication skills are on point. But no. Instead, this boss manages to make every conversation and task as arduous as possible.
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work from home remote work employee manager petty-revenge-reddit annoying phone call spouse revenge work wife hiring husband workplace business - 23191813

'When he'd get a business call...he'd follow me around the house': Woman gets revenge on spouse's annoying habit by flushing a toilet in a hiring manager's ear

Working from home has its perks. But you know how irritating it can get if you've ever tried to do it with other people in the house (like during the pandemic). The couple in the story both work from home, and her spouse has developed the annoying habit of following her around the house whenever he's on a business call. It started off innocent...
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workplace discussion employment issues return to office antiwork corporate workplace-stories remote work jobs employment-discussion job work Office wfh workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22993157

'My 100% WFH job turned into a 100% office job': Worker hired in remote role finds themself forced to come into an office

Some have been calling this a “bait and switch” and while it is arguable that something along those lines is happening, there seems to be more of an erosion of expectations happening. It stands to reason that
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'You can't continue working from home because you go idle in chat too often': Remote worker devises plan to avoid going into the office by tricking their bosses

'You can't continue working from home because you go idle in chat too often': Remote worker devises plan to avoid going into the office by tricking their bosses

This remote worker despises their office, and they're prepared to go to great lengths to keep their work from home routine . Before the dark years of the early 2020s, probably not a lot of people did remote work or even really knew what it was. Remote working was a thing you did while on vacation, but not something you'd do full time. While we all had to huddle at home for months on end, many of us got remote work jobs for the first time. Suddenly, it became an acceptable norm for workers to do…
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reddit reddit-thread work work-story malicious-compliance workplace employee fired boss supervisor remote remote-employee laptop equipment company

'[Don't] waste my time': After firing a remote employee without warning, company demands he return a $500 laptop; he ships it for $850 at their expense as revenge

Working remote has its perks… but it also has its downfalls. Although you have the freedom to work in your own home (or wherever you please), it also means that upper management never actually knows who you are, which seems hunky-dory until you realize that, as an expendable employee, it's never been easier to get fired. Unfortunately for one employee, he got sideswiped by this reality in the worst way.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace employment in the workplace remote remote work - 22327813

'Am I obligated to bring this to anyone's attention': Remote worker posts concerned question online after realizing that their employer has forgotten about them

You know it's going to be a juicy discussion when the user has deleted their account within hours of posting a viral thread… This worker landed themself a new job, working remotely , that offered them higher pay and greater responsibility. They found themself with little to do initially, which they found to be a little strange, but seeing as this isn't uncommon in a lot of jobs, which often allow workers to ease into their role, leaving additional tasks to be picked up as the worker gets into t…
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'You want the job? Approved, it's yours!': Programmer tries to get secret second job, accidentally successfully applies for demotion

'You want the job? Approved, it's yours!': Programmer tries to get secret second job, accidentally successfully applies for a demotion

If you consider yourself to be smart and clever, you might think that you can get away with gaming the system, and it's only when it blows up in your face that you realize how much you overestimated your intelligence. Congratulations, you played yourself. Maintaining one full-time job is a lot of work, so it really makes you wonder how some people have been, reportedly, managing to work two at the same time. Every now and then, you see a story pop up online about someone who has been holding do…
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