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To save $2,000, penny-pinching Karen chooses a budget handyman over a respectable contractor, pays the price later when he refuses to fix the amateur's mistakes: ‘Not worth my trouble’

This Karen, a cheapo haggler, decided she didn't feel like paying market value for her bathroom remodel after haranguing her contractor for months over every nickel and dime, but this ultimately cost more than just a couple thousand dollars, it would cost the integrity of her entire house.
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Homeowner catches their new housemate secretly planning an overhaul remodel of her property behind her back, friendship fallout ensues: ‘[So] I kicked her out'

When you're looking for a roommate, there are a few key things to consider before inviting someone to come live in your home. Are they hygienic? Are they courteous of your sleep cycle? Do they wash their dishes? Will they permanently alter the aesthetic of your property with a secret remodel through an elaborately deceptive web of lies?
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'I can reimburse you up to $150': Sink erupts with rancid water, flooding a renter's apartment, then their lazy landlord risks everything to save a few bucks

The best part about being a renter is that you're not liable for explosive home malfunctions. However, if you're stuck with a lazy landlord...
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'Enjoy your pile of junk': Bidding war turns a first-time homeowner on to petty revenge after their unwelcoming old neighbor turns salty

We all know a sore loser.
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'He said he didn't care, right?': Flooring contractor literally turns the tables on an entitled lawyer by flipping a desk full of documents

I object!
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mansion trashy trailer park home-styling remodel middle class income poor house design poverty classy low-class high class style booshie home rich home-style - 19844613

'Classy if you're rich, but trashy if you're poor': Home designer exposes 1%ers for stealing low income aesthetic and calling it booshie

Some skills are considered classy if you're rich but trashy when you're poor. But why is that? When you speak a second language in an upper class household, you're highly praised at every cocktail party every time you share a pretty embarrassing, accented sentence of broken French. But if you're from a lower income family and you're completely fluent in a second language (maybe English isn't even your first language) then it's considerably less impressive.
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Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Move that bus!
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"I Think This Job Leaves Me With a Narrow Outlook on Life"

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Via Ashleyrah


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Created by Ryan


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