
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

Woman asks her husband's sister if she'll consider being a surrogate.

Woman Asks Husband's Sister To Consider Being A Surrogate

AskReddit user explains in detail why men don't enjoy historical romances as much as women.

AskReddit User Explains Why Men Don't Enjoy Fictional Romances As Much

A collection of AskReddit users share times that they realized they were dating total lunatics.

Women That Mistakenly Dated Psychos

Lonely cowboy talks gender roles and dating while bragging about beef.

Twitter Flocks on Cowboy Who Brags About How Much Beef He Gets

AskReddit users that are married couples explain why they sleep in different rooms.

Married Couples Who Sleep In Different Rooms Explain Why

wholesome memes, happy and sentimental moments

Wholesome Memes and Things Because Life Isn't Always Bad

Guy asks internet if he's wrong for questioning his 22 year old niece's 47 year old boyfriend uncomfortable questions.

Uncle Wonders If He's Wrong To Question 25 Year Age Gap in Niece's Relationship

Guy's pasta skills take his Tinder date to the next level.

Dude's Pasta Skills Take Tinder Date To The Next Level

Guy texts his crush and it backfires, so he blames the whole thing on his brother taking his phone.

Guy Texts Crush, Fails, Blames It On Brother Taking His Phone

A creepy nice girl asks a guy to break up with his current girlfriend, and cusses him out when he refuses.

Entitled Chick Expects Guy To Break Up With Girlfriend For Her

Guy on Twitter tells the story of meeting his wife at a graveyard.

Guy On Twitter Tells Imagined Story Of Meeting Wife At A Graveyard

A collection of Tinder users that either were successful with their pickup lines, or failed miserably.

Tinder Comedy Gems That Were Shameless, Witty, Or Dirty

Obvious hints from women that guys missed.

Times Guys Totally Missed Obvious Signals

Vegan daughter demands dad can't cook meat in house.

Dad Asks If He's Wrong For Upsetting Vegan Daughter With His Bacon Cooking

A collection of Tinder users that failed or won with their pickup lines.

Tinder Users That Failed Or Actually Pulled It Off

Guy wears an ugly, cursed shawl and ends up losing his girlfriend in the process.

Guy Wears Cursed Shawl, Ends Up Losing Girlfriend