
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

A new mom asks her husband to stop posting on social media about how he's so exhausted all the time.

New Mom Asks Husband To Stop Social Media Posting About Exhaustion

Wife keeps saying that the family is broke, and then the husband reminds her that they're millionaires.

Wife Says Family's Broke, Husband Reminds Her They're Millionaires

A collection of the weirdest things that people learned about their partners after moving in.

Weird Things People Learned About Their Partners After Moving In

Woman refuses to pay for husband's meal at restaurant, he has a meltdown.

Woman Refuses To Pay For Husband's Meal, Husband Has Meltdown

Dude ghosts date, and then goes onto realize that the date is their neighbor.

Dude Ghosts Date, Realizes Date Is Their Neighbor

girl throws out bad birthday cake, tells kid its bad accidentally when aunt leaves on speakerphone

Birthday Twin Throws Away Bad Cake Made By 9-Year Old, Gets Earful

Guy abandons his girlfriend on top of a mountain to watch the football game | AITA abandoning my girlfriend on top mountain know this sounds bad but hear out on this one wasn't even big mountain. Basically l've been going on hikes alone on weekend mornings while my girlfriend eats pancakes. On Sunday went do peak 's easy if vet like but still takes few hours went early so could be back football game at one could not miss this game. So woke up early go and my girlfriend gets up with and is like

Dude Abandons Girlfriend On Top Of Mountain To Watch Football

Husband eats his kid's candy, and then his wife blows up at him.

Husband Eats Kid's Candy, Wife Blows Up At Husband

People describe the most embarrassing ways that they screwed up their dates.

Most Embarrassing Ways People Messed Up Dates

A funny Tumblr thread about how dudes can have some hilarious brain fart moments | insertawesome-url-here r/CasualConversation u/What_Is_EET S 4h just realized could let shower warm up before stepping Discussion 28 girl wkth wanted take shower together Why dont wait warm up stared back at her million thoughts running through my head feel so stupid couldn't enjoy rest night has no answer her, and always hated showers. Today stood and waited shower heat up first time, and great!

Tumblr Thread: Dudes And Their Hilarious Brain Farts

Man tells his girlfriend that she's too obsessed with her dog, and then drama ensues.

Man Tells Girlfriend She's Too Obsessed With Her Dog

Man insists on licking his dinner plate clean, and his girlfriend gets upset.

Man Insists On Licking Dinner Plate Clean, Girlfriend's Not Down

Drama breaks out between couple over stimulus check.

Drama Breaks Out Between Couple Over Stimulus Check

Wife locks up snacks in the house, and then the husband gets upset.

Wife Locks Up Snacks, Family Drama Ensues

boyfriend viral videos cringe relationships cheating dating tiktok - 2130438

TikToker Catches "Cheating" Boyfriend Through WiFi Settings

Bridesmaid wants to bail on the wedding after the couple breaks up.

Bridesmaid Wants To Bail On Wedding After Couple Breaks Up