
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

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New Mother Hides From Mother-In-Law Who Insists on Dropping by Unannounced

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Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience

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Boyfriend Gets Grossed Out By Cat Ownership, Internet Says Dump Him

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Daughter-In-Law Refuses to Spend Christmas With MIL's Foster Children Because "They Are Not Real Family", Gets Banned For Life

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After-Christmas Drama Unfolds Between Couple Over Proper Timeline for Removal of the Tree

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Entitled Mother Refuses to Give Grandchild and Daughter-in-Law Gifts, Son Takes a Stand and Implodes Entire Family

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Deadbeat Husband Steals Wife's Prized Jewellery Set, Gives it Away as a Wedding Present

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Guy Gives the Hard Truth to His Hypocritical Fiancé When He Teaches Her About Mutual Tolerance

Picky eater husband doesn't like that his wife makes fancy healthy food for herself and their child. | r/AmIthe. le Posted by u/Cantbethathealthy AITA making myself nice meals and not my husband? Not hole So preface by saying and my husband have vastly different tastes basically everything most part doesn't matter, but clash heavily comes food. Before met basically never ate out, drank nothing but water and unsweet tea (with occasional juice and ate mostly

Picky Eater Husband Demands Fancier Meals

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Guy Gets Savage Revenge on Cheating Ex-Girlfriend With Soul-Crushing Prank, Destroys Her New Relationship

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Entitled Wife Threatens to Show Up In Sweatpants to Thwart In-Laws Christmas Dress Code

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UNhinGED huSbAND wAtcheS as BiRd dEStroys wiFe's MeaL, RECorDS Entire EveNt

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Worried Mother Shares Concerns With Her Daughter About Moving Out, Is Worried That She Overstepped

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Daughter-In-Law Confronts Husband's Father and Step-Mother at Their Wedding Reception Over A Terrible Seating Chart

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Absurd Couple Gets Offended When Their Friends Order Food to Take Home at a Restaurant

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Brother Given Fake Recipe When He Insists on Obtaining Deceased Mother's "Secret Recipe" From Sibling, Causes Familial Implosion