
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

signs someone is romantically interested

Obvious Signs That Someone Is Romantically Interested

weird date stories twitter

Twitter Users Share The Strangest Things They've Seen Dates Do

What's the craziest thing an ex friend/lover has done to you? | Neon sign depicting a broken heart

20 People Share the Most Unhinged and Twisted Things Their Crazy Ex Did to Them in This Viral Thread

crazy things people's exes did

People Share The Craziest Things Their Exes Have Done

husband gains 10 pounds and wife is not tolerating it

Wife Complains To Internet That She Can No Longer See Her Husband's Abs

TIFU by getting too d*** to remember anything about the girl I was going home with

Hapless Idiot Humiliated, Gets Lost In Girl's Dorm During a One-Night Stand

things people hate about their partner

Things People Hate The Most About Their Significant Other

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Modern Day Shakespeare Writes Incredible Sonnet, Internet Amazed

AITA for wanting to sue my husband's sister for losing my 2k camera at the beach?

Insane Sister-In-Law Steals $2k Camera, Family Takes Her Side, Woman Seeking to File Suit

What’s one thing your partner doesn’t know?

20 People Share the Secret That Their Partner Doesn't Know

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Deranged Husband Roasted After He Secretly Records His Wife and Her Friends at "Girls Night In"

AITA for confirming for my daughter why my ex and I divorced? (March 2nd, 2022)

Mother Leaks Her Polyamorous Lifestyle on Facebook Group, Mad at Ex-Husband For Discussing it With Their Children

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Internet Supports Husband Telling His Wife She Should Get a Nose Job

AITA for refusing to ''see other options'' for a girl and pressing charges for what she did to my son's car?

Ex-Girlfriend Defaces Boyfriend's Car With Her Brother, Brother Arrested, Ex Charged

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Guy Exposes Son's Step Dad When Step Dad Steals Son's Present

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Enraged Boyfriend Feels Cheated, Girlfriend Puts Disabled Daughter's Name On Deed of House