
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

guy describes not going on a second date with a woman because she drug her foot when she walked - cover image to a list of petty reasons people didn't go on second dates.

20 of the Pettiest Reasons People Didn't Go On Second Dates

guy tweets about his girlfriend making out with his girl cousin - cover image to a story about a crazy ex

Dude Live-Tweets Insane Story About His Psyco Ex Girlfriend

20 People Admit the Pettiest Reason They've Ended a Relationship

20 Extremely Petty Reasons People Have Called it Quits With Their Significant Other

hilarious descriptions of one night stands in six words or less

22 One Night Stands Described in Six Words or Less

dating shower thoughts

16 Dating Shower Thoughts That Could Be Revolutionary

women describe the weird things they do like smelling their own boob sweat

15 Women Describe the Gross and Weird Things They Do While Their Partner Isn't Around

People Make cringeworthy attempts at conversation on dating apps

12 People Who's Attempts At Dating Conversation Were Filled With Cringe

Guy Savagely Destroys His Girlfriend By Posting on Her Facebook After He Catches Her Cheating

Guy Savagely Destroys His Girlfriend By Posting on Her Facebook After He Catches Her Cheating

Partners talk about the most common lies they tell each other while dating.

20 of the Most Common Lies People End Up Telling Their Partners

Relationship Comics

25 Comics About Relationships That Will Make You Smile

20 pictures and memes that capture the various parts of a serious relationship.

20 Dark and Dirty, Occasionally Fuzzy Pics and Memes That Capture the Rollercoaster of Dating

guy uses pun on tinder

Guy Plows His Way Through Tinder Using Ridiculous Puns and Pickup Lines

dating fails FAIL relationships dating advice - 2037253

14 Insane Ways People Have Tried to be Flirtatious

relationships advice funny Video dating - 86253313

This Dude's Passive Aggressive Relationship Advice Is Absolutely Hilarious

relationships funny dating - 86253057

Guy Shows His Girlfriend How Obnoxious It is to Take Her Picture at Coachella

funny twitter

41 Tweets About Marriage That are too Real