
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

People reveal what they view as infidelity in a relationship.

55 People Reveal What They Label As "Infidelity" In A Relationship

Wife leaves her husband alone with their 6-month old daughter and hilarious dirty texting conversation ensues.

Wife Leaves Clever Husband Alone With 6-Month Old Daughter, Hilarious Dirty Convo Ensues

waiters talk about the worst dates they have seen

30 Waiters Share the Worst First Dates They've Ever Witnessed

Guy Tells the Insane Saga of His Psycho Ex Girlfriend in This Epic Live-Tweet

Guy Tells the Insane Saga of His Psycho Ex Girlfriend in This Epic Live-Tweet

After discovering that his 'Instagram model' girlfriend was, in fact, using her account as a front for her secret escort service he decided to have a little fun.

Cheating Instagram Model Gets Exposed As An Escort By Her Vengeful Boyfriend

relationships cheating dating - 2821893

Cheating Girlfriend Accidentally Texts Her Boyfriend That She's Cheating On Him


20 People Discuss the Effects of Being 'Gaslighted' In a Relationship

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Woman Live-Tweets Harrowing Breakup Tale That's On Cringe Steriods

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12 One Night Stands That Came Crashing Back to Reality the Morning After

friendzone is real for these poor guys

20 Guys So Deep in the Friendzone That it Physically Hurts

people describe why their ex is a crazy ex

16 People Describe How Their Crazy Ex Earned That Title

Guys Share the Lies They're Sick of Hearing From Women

20 Guys Share the Lies They're Sick of Hearing From Women

Guy texts girlfriend that he's going to a bar for a drink and ends up hopping a plane to Ibiza with buddies to party like crazy.

Bro Texts His Girlfriend He's Going to Bar For a Drink, Hops On A Plane With Friends to Ibiza to Get Lit

Women share the things men write on their dating profiles that are instant deal-breakers.

48 Women Share Things Men Write On Their Dating Profiles That Are Instant Deal-Breakers

Guys Reveal the Secret Things They Do to Get Away From Their Girlfriends

20 Guys Reveal the Secret Things They Do to Get Away From Their Girlfriends

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20 Guys Admit Why They Never Proposed to Their Girlfriends