

"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

It's 2023, and a lot of us are more addicted to social media, streaming services, or YouTube than we'd probably care to admit. We'll take anything and everything — all at once — as long as it saves us from having a single thought enter our head that will lead us to reflect on our own existence. The buzzing hum of constant stimulation provides us with the means necessary to fill the void left by whatever our lives used to be. Unfortunately, despite the constant urge to check the reason behind th…
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'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

It's ok to have feelings; they're only natural and not something that we can always control. Still, it's not ok for you to take those feelings out on other innocent people in your life who have done nothing wrong to cause the situation. That's the mistake that this father-to-be made when he decided to take out his “gender disappointment” on his pregnant wife. The two had been expecting their first child, but upon learning that the child was to be a girl, the father-to-be began giving his wife t…
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Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

'I broke down crying': Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

I love… —lamp? Did a moth write this post? If that were the case, then that would at least explain why she is so insistent that the lamp remain turned on. At least it's safe to be certain that this boyfriend is not a moth as he, in fact, does not love lamp. In fact, he seems to rather despise it —at least at three in the morning when he's trying to catch some sleep before work. His girlfriend, who was having difficulty sleeping due to sickness, was insistent that her bedside lamp remain on so t…
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Guy makes calculated purchase for wife's expensive smart watch, buys her a color she doesn't wear

There's something to be said for trying — but the last thing you want to do with a half-baked gesture is expose how little you listen to (or care) about your partner's wants and wishes. It doesn't take that much time or great observational skills to take note of the things that your partner enjoys; one might hope that, through general time spent together, it's something you'd just naturally and innately come to know. I say this despite myself having the observational skills of a deaf bat and th…
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