

family kids marriage Reddit relationships nanny childcare aita marriage-drama relationship-drama relationship-stories amitheahole - 20475909

'[Am I wrong] for telling my husband the nanny is in charge?': Husband objects to wife telling him to defer to the nanny's judgement for their children

It's understandable to be upset about being told how to take care of your own children, but if you're not spending the time with them to develop the best processes and are paying someone to do so—you'd better put your ego aside, let them do their job, and listen to them. That's what this online community agreed on when the topic was shared on Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit. They decisively voted that this wife was not in the wrong for telling her work-focused husband to defer to the nanny's…
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toxic relationships family drama relationship entitled parents toxic toxic-family relationship-drama relationships entitled parents entitled people - 20417285

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

Aren't families wonderful? Having someone in your life who insists on making everything about themselves is challenging… to say the least. Hijacking events to suit her own preference is probably only the tip of a very large hidden iceberg when it comes to dealing with this stepmother. This couple found themselves the target of the husband's evil stepmother after her efforts to claim a grandchild from her own children were thwarted. Her ambivalence and disinterest toward them and their pregnancy…
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friendship baby baby names text message text messages friends relationship-drama relationships entitled entitled people couple - 20292869

'You are ruining a [baby's] life': Entitled person demands acquaintance change their dog's name so they can use the name for their unborn child

People tend to think they have sole rights to any name they choose. Guarding it with the same vigor that Mickey Mouse's lawyers use to protect his trademarked silhouette (don't even think of attaching three circles to each other for your logo.) It's almost as if people don't realize that their “Emily” is one of the millions, owning to the name being one of the most popular for the last 30 years. The same goes for any name. Unless you're naming your child something you really shouldn't (ie X Æ A…
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relationship advice amitheahole aita relationship drama relationship-drama relationships in a relationship story ahole roasted relationship-stories entitled entitled people - 20040197

'What kind of monster...': Internet roasts entitled girlfriend for eating all the toppings off her partner's pizza

Few acts are as unforgivably unhinged as ruining an entire pizza. Yet, this girlfriend saw nothing wrong with scalping a whole pie, leaving nothing but the naked sauce and dough for everyone else to consume miserably. The topic of pizza toppings is hotly debated, with staunch defenders of questionable toppings like pineapple going head to head with those who deride the topping and all who enjoy it. We can all agree on one thing: Pizza is amazing. What isn't to love about saucy dough coated in c…
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amitheahole aita wedding party wedding drama wedding stories relationship-drama married life relationships wedding Reddit married weddings - 20018693

UPDATE AITA: Wedding guest wears wedding dress to a wedding, wonders if they're wrong.

Few rules in life are as stead-fast as “Never wear white to a wedding.” You shouldn't wear any colors that might be mistaken for white either; creme, off-white, or eggshell, especially on a dress, will get you on the wrong side of the couple's family for eternity. Even if you manage to smooth things over with the couple themselves and maintain contact, you'll still be forever known as “that one friend who wore white." Now, if you shouldn't wear white to a wedding, you certainly shouldn't wear a…
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bride drama wedding drama bridesmaids malicious compliance Crazy Brides revenge wedding stories relationship-drama wedding bridezilla weddings - 19688453

'Take them off and keep them off or leave." All bridesmaids leave after bride demands bridesmaid remove her glasses for entire wedding

People who desire absolute control over a situation love ultimatums. The problem with ultimatums is that the person you're setting the ultimatum with might call you on your bluff, leaving the illusion of any control you had over them shattered—along with the entire relationship. Weddings can be stressful times and leave the couple at the frayed ends of sanity as they try to manifest the perfect day. This can bring the absolute worst out in people, bringing down the facade of their personality a…
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aita toxic-workplace drama relationship-drama relationships Reddit toxic relationship dramatic toxic-work-environment - 19364869

'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

When you decide to take the leap and share your life with another person… actually share it with them. Don't do what this jerk boyfriend did and kick them out of the house, baring them from their own home so that your friends can sit in their favorite chair and hang out with you while they're on the outside looking in. Instead, be inclusive and seek to share time, love, and desires with them. This dude got roasted for forcing his recently-jobless girlfriend out of their shared home so that he c…
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public freakout, freak out, public, marriage, marriage proposal, drama, ultimatum, relationships, target, fail, walmart, people of walmart, crazy, insane, video, footage, real life

Desperate Woman Bombards Her Boyfriend Working at Target, Demanding Marriage Immediately

This has some serious Walmart energy
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amitheahole aita marriage drama friends relationship-drama marriage-drama relationships am-i-the-ahole relationship-stories - 19483141

Wife gets fed up with her husband's relationship with his "close" friend Carl, the internet is suspicious of their relationship.

This wife has finally reached her wit's end with her husband's relationship with his close friend Carl. The two are inseparable, and her husband even describes Carl as his "nicotine," He just can't quit "it." Things hit their breaking point when her husband invited Carl to accompany them on their couple's getaway. Her husband thought it wouldn't be a problem for them to cram Carl into their two-person room with only one bed. The wife got the shock of her life when she found out her husband plan…
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dating drama relationships story aita relationship-drama relationship-stories - 19420933

'AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to stop f-ing eating?': Guy's outburst shuts down entitled indulgent girlfriend

Each and every one of us has a memory (or memories) from our childhood that we hold dear, a nostalgic high-water mark of the happiest moments of our lives. We could drive ourselves mad trying to attain this same sense of blissful wonderment—and indeed, some have. This girlfriend seems to be one of those people, choosing to forgo all rational thought and social decency to chase and ride the high of her youth. Who doesn't love dipping their finger in a baking work-in-progress? Reckless abandon pr…
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couple who work together get pushed to the brink of divorce after boss has the husband secretly help push his own wife out of a huge company deal, wife deliberates quitting and divorcing

'She's been utterly betrayed by her entire office and her husband:' Entitled boss brings married employees to the brink of quitting and divorcing after getting husband to secretly push wife out of huge company deal

Dating a co-worker has never worked in the system. If you have experienced this, then you know, it always tends to get messy. But when you are married, working with your hubby doesn't seem too bad. As long as you aren't driving each other nut in the office, then it could work. Until it doesn't. A happily married couple that are also coworkers are now on the bring of divorce because of the actions of their boss. Both the hubby and wifey work in upper management and felt confident in their jobs.…
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"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

"I thought he overreacted': Wife gets husband in trouble at work after taking his work laptop for her Facebook fix, thinks she's done nothing wrong

It's 2023, and a lot of us are more addicted to social media, streaming services, or YouTube than we'd probably care to admit. We'll take anything and everything — all at once — as long as it saves us from having a single thought enter our head that will lead us to reflect on our own existence. The buzzing hum of constant stimulation provides us with the means necessary to fill the void left by whatever our lives used to be. Unfortunately, despite the constant urge to check the reason behind th…
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'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

It's ok to have feelings; they're only natural and not something that we can always control. Still, it's not ok for you to take those feelings out on other innocent people in your life who have done nothing wrong to cause the situation. That's the mistake that this father-to-be made when he decided to take out his “gender disappointment” on his pregnant wife. The two had been expecting their first child, but upon learning that the child was to be a girl, the father-to-be began giving his wife t…
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Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

'I broke down crying': Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

I love… —lamp? Did a moth write this post? If that were the case, then that would at least explain why she is so insistent that the lamp remain turned on. At least it's safe to be certain that this boyfriend is not a moth as he, in fact, does not love lamp. In fact, he seems to rather despise it —at least at three in the morning when he's trying to catch some sleep before work. His girlfriend, who was having difficulty sleeping due to sickness, was insistent that her bedside lamp remain on so t…
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aita marriage drama relationship-drama marriage-drama relationships dating - 18420997

Guy makes calculated purchase for wife's expensive smart watch, buys her a color she doesn't wear

There's something to be said for trying — but the last thing you want to do with a half-baked gesture is expose how little you listen to (or care) about your partner's wants and wishes. It doesn't take that much time or great observational skills to take note of the things that your partner enjoys; one might hope that, through general time spent together, it's something you'd just naturally and innately come to know. I say this despite myself having the observational skills of a deaf bat and th…
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