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'I was gone for about 30 minutes': Dad gets put in his place for ditching dinner party to take son to McDonald's

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'Update: I broke up with him': Woman takes internet's advice and breaks up with her boyfriend over rent-payment disagreement

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'Garlic is toxic to cats!': Internet condemns friend for feeding woman's cat toxic food and refusing to stop when asked

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'[Am I wrong] for telling my husband the nanny is in charge?': Husband objects to wife telling him to defer to the nanny's judgement for their children

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'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

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'You are ruining a [baby's] life': Entitled person demands acquaintance change their dog's name so they can use the name for their unborn child

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'What kind of monster...': Internet roasts entitled girlfriend for eating all the toppings off her partner's pizza

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UPDATE AITA: Wedding guest wears wedding dress to a wedding, wonders if they're wrong.

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'Take them off and keep them off or leave." All bridesmaids leave after bride demands bridesmaid remove her glasses for entire wedding

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'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

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Desperate Woman Bombards Her Boyfriend Working at Target, Demanding Marriage Immediately

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Wife gets fed up with her husband's relationship with his "close" friend Carl, the internet is suspicious of their relationship.

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'AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to stop f-ing eating?': Guy's outburst shuts down entitled indulgent girlfriend

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'She's been utterly betrayed by her entire office and her husband:' Entitled boss brings married employees to the brink of quitting and divorcing after getting husband to secretly push wife out of huge company deal