

HR-deal, new-manager-deal, manager-training, reddit, failblog, r-work

'Out of spite... I decided to take a leave for a whole month': Manager in training told for 6 months she would not be hired, HR steps in with a sweet deal

Welcome to the confusing world of job searching. If you have never been here before, better buckle up, buddy. Even if you're hired to get trained doesn't always guarantee that you're going to be brought on full-time. Or does it? I guess this is where you have to read the fine print. One Redditor said she was brought on to a company as a manager in training (MIT) with nothing in writing stating she would be hired afterwards. However, things were going swimmingly, her coworkers seemed to like her…
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'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

'He got a promotion... by getting fired': Programmer gets fired to caught costs, has to be rehired a month later since he coded their entire system, gets better position and pay

You never know what you have until you lose it. This saying is usually used when talking about heartbreak, but in this case, it's about a useful employee. A reddit post shared an epic return on a computer programmer who got fired. This person was fired because the nefarious manager that nobody liked said he could find someone who could do his job for cheaper and he needed to cut costs. The programmer was upset, mostly because he loved the job and had put a lot of his sweat and time into it, but…
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