
opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit funny opinions regrets jet ski vehicle technology cars clothes video games - 25712389

'I bought $40 wire elf ears. I have worn them zero times': 25+ Times people spent good money on terrible products

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

People describe the cringe-packed moments that still haunt them to this day.

AskReddit Thread: Cringe Moments That Haunt People To This Day

Boss dismisses an employee's warnings about a fabricated manufacturer, and ends up paying for it to the tune of $65K.

Boss Dismisses Employee's Warnings About Manufacturer, Costs Company $65K

Woman gets locked out on fire escape after using sauna, and embarrassment ensues | Anbara Salam @anbara_salam As public service these stressful times l'd like offer, as palate cleanser most embarrassing moment my life. 10ish years ago, my ex bf and visited spa Germany s swimsuits pool but have be naked sauna. Btw speak no German. 1/ 9:52 16 Mar 20 Twitter Web App 2,031 Retweets 6,678 Likes Tweet reply

Twitter Thread: Woman's Humiliating German Sauna Experience

Guy eats a six egg omelette that was intended for the family, and embarrassment ensues | TIFU by eating six egg omelet Years ago, on bright and sunny spring morning, my wife feeding our first child his highchair. My -laws, who were staying with us few weeks abroad, were preparing breakfast everyone. At time wasn't terribly unusual my mother--law prepare meals us, as she enjoyed helping us out with cooking and giving us more time tend our little one atypical my father--law had evidently decided

Guy Eats Six Egg Omelette Intended For Family, Embarrassment Ensues

Guy loses his job, gets stranded on an island, and ends up getting his friend deported | r/tifu posted by jazzandboats TIFU by losing my job, getting stranded on an island, and getting my friend deported Oooooh boy this is big FU. Thave been working on cruise ship past 5 months live with, work with, eat with, and do everything else with same people every day months

Guy Loses Job, Gets Stranded On Island, And Gets Friend Deported

AskReddit replies to the cringiest things that people have done in school | posted by Deku_Shiba Meowed one whole class period.

The Cringiest Things People Did In School

Guy's Minecraft fail results in hundreds of hours being wasted | r/tifu post by KitKatThePirate TIFU by not checking my Minecraft settings and wasting many hours inventory menus over past 5 and half years

Guy's Minecraft Fail Results In Hundreds Of Wasted Hours

Son says that he hears bees at night, and the parents doubt him. They end up getting stung by hundreds from the attic | r/tifu posted by dudecheckthis TIFU by not believing my son heard bees Some really liked my FU about strip club with kids, so thought share another! Could probably have whole dad series, though not sure should brag about

Son Says He Hears Bees At Night, Parents Don't Believe Him, Stinging Ensues

Cringeworthy memories that are insignificant but still keep people up at night.

People's Small Recurring Cringey Memories That Keep Them Up at Night

guy mistakenly uses hashtag me too

Guy Makes #MeToo Status Without Knowing What It Means, Friends And Family Panic

30 year old share 20s regrets

30 Year Olds Share Their Biggest Regrets over Their 20s

realizing your job isn't for you

23 Regretful People Share The Jobs They Realized Weren't For Them Way Too Late

big regrets | bertzie. 6h Not taking better care my teeth as child.

Learn From These 18 People Sharing Their Biggest Regrets In Life

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10 Times People Took The Struggle Bus To Regret Avenue

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