

'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? No matter how bad the gift you receive is, the polite thing to do is thank the person who gave it to you — after all, it's the thought that counts . That's the issue here, with this person's unhinged mother in law who put a decent amount of ill will behind this present. As the OOP tells it, her MIL gifted her a present that is impressively unusable! She asked the internet what exactly she should do with this gift card of bad omens. With this update, we…
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