

employee get wrongfully accused of stealing, turns out to be their entitled karen coworker, innocent working feels vindicated

Wrongfully Accused Worker Gets Satisfying Justice After Catching Entitled Karen Employee Stealing on Camera

Nothing is worse than working somewhere where the manager distrust you for no real reason . This Redditor shared the story about when they were wrongfully accused of stealing while working at a movie theater. They didn't even work at the register at the time, but apparently their manager was convinced it was them. However, justice was satisfyingly served once the truth came out. The Redditor not only got to clear their name, they also got to see their entitled Karen co-worker get caught stealin…
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I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for instagram wannabe models

'I walked in front of the camera': Redditor sparks online discussion with their petty tactic for dealing with influencers out in the wild

These days everyone wants to be an influencer — or thinks they already are.
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