

‘She couldn’t believe I quit': Manager loses senior promotion following employee's resignation

‘She couldn’t believe I quit': Manager loses senior promotion following employee's resignation

Those two weeks after you give in your two-week notice are either the sweetest or most bitter weeks of your entire time working at the company you've decided to leave. One of two things happens: You either get to kick back and relax for the remainder of your days working there, OR you get assigned one billion things by your bitter boss. In this case, OP got to experience the latter. See, OP's resignation was only an issue because their manager wanted to move into a more senior role within the c…
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‘We’re short-staffed, so you can't quit': Boss demands new hire stay after coworker quits, then deducts timeclock on lunches, leading to overtime without pay due to being short-staffed

‘We’re short-staffed, so you can't quit': Boss demands new hire work unpaid overtime due to being short-staffed, leading to quiet quitting

New hires are like the runt of the litter; small, without confidence, and in need of some extra assistance. Bosses often underestimate new hires, under the assumption that they should be grateful to have a job, and should want to contribute and 'take one for the team' until they reach emotional burnout. In this case, OP began working in a short-staffed office. The person training OP ended up quitting, which only caused further problems for OP, who was already picking up a lot of slack. Their bo…
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'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

Promotions at work can leave a bittersweet aftertaste in your mouth; on the one hand, your financial situation improves along with your increase in salary, but on the other hand, your coworkers may develop a deep disdain towards you overnight. In this case, OP got promoted to being in charge of daily operations at a small municipal department they both worked at, and a Karen employee didn't take kindly to OP's new position. Karen was the type of obnoxious employee who complained that she was th…
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