reddit thread

Karens demand student, studying hard, to move from her table for their convenience and student tells them to get lost, sparking a Karen dispute

‘No, you can't’: Two Karens bother studying student and demand she gives up her table because they refuse to sit in the sun, apparently forgetting inside tables exist

'Not the best way to get great customer service': 18 one-star reviews from Karen customers, plus responses from restaurant owners

'Not the best way to get great customer service': 18 one-star reviews from Karen customers, plus responses from restaurant owners

'You get paid more than I do. You figure it out': Sick employee pressured to come in after manager can't find coverage

'You get paid more than I do. You figure it out': Sick employee pressured to come in after manager can't find coverage

Entitled neighbors steal family's bench swing that was swept into their yard by a flood, refuse to let family retrieve it but continues to use the stolen property

Extreme weather sweeps family's bench swing into their neighbor's yard, neighbor puts up 'no trespassing’ signs and begins to use their bench swing so they can't retrieve it

'My girlfriend might have been Quiet Fired': Barista calls out pay discrepancy, boss cuts her hours to zero and ghosts her

'My girlfriend might have been Quiet Fired': Barista calls out pay discrepancy, boss cuts her hours to zero and ghosts her

‘I have 5 managers all making over $100k who all have the same job title’: Top 20+ useless but high-paying jobs

‘I have 5 managers all making over $100k who all have the same job title’: Top 20+ useless but high-paying jobs

‘I got a job at the place that handled their contracts’: Former warehouse employee gets even with ex-coworkers by working for their contract handler, gets them all fired

‘I got a job at the place that handled their contracts’: Former warehouse employee gets even with ex-coworkers by working for their contract handler, gets them all fired

ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36976645

‘We cut them off’: Man's entitled neighbors think they can keep using his well water for free after their's dried up, claims there's ‘no time’ to fix it but man puts his foot down

'I need more from your position to justify the pay': Employee plans to give his two weeks' notice, boss then makes unprofessional comments, so employee quits on the spot

'I need more from your position to justify the pay': Employee plans to give his two weeks' notice, boss then makes unprofessional comments, so employee quits on the spot

'I purposely picked all the wrong answers': Student sabotages cheater by feeding him incorrect answers, switches to correct ones when he's not looking

'I purposely picked all the wrong answers': Student sabotages cheater by feeding him incorrect answers, switches to correct ones when he's not looking

'[I'm] uninviting 25 family members to my wedding': Bride's family takes issue with Halloween-themed wedding, she kicks them out

'[I'm] uninviting 25 family members to my wedding': Bride's family takes issue with Halloween-themed wedding, she kicks them out

Employee learns his new raise is $2,000 more than what his mentor makes: '[He] has worked 50 years in my current company'

Employee learns his new raise is $2,000 more than what his mentor makes: '[He] has worked 50 years in my current company'

FAILS boss hilarious employee fired manager hired warnings reddit thread red flag Reddit company interview funny - 36946949

23 Real interviewees share wild stories about warning signs in interviews that should have you running for the exit: 'They got so mad they ended the interview'

'Please send messages for me directly to me': Employee gets back at petty coworker by only pointing out his errors in the team's group chat

'Please send messages for me directly to me': Employee gets back at petty coworker by only pointing out his errors in the team's group chat

Neighbor digs through man's mailbox everyday to hand-deliver mail to him, man is fed up and brainstorms a way forward

Nosy neighbor repeatedly goes through man's mailbox and hand-delivers mail at all hours of the day, man takes extreme measures in an effort to deter him: ‘This guy is wild’

Employee is told to ‘start looking for a new job’ by entitled boss, boss tries to take it back but employee has already found a unicorn job position

Entitled boss tells employee to find another job in the heat of the moment, tries to backtrack but employee maliciously complies and leaves dumpster fire business