reddit thread

20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

20 jobs that are instant red flags for people seeking serious relationships: 'Stand up comedians [...] anything that happens in your relationship will be made public'

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

'I wasn’t gonna let him win': Employee refuses to let boss keep picking on him, exposes his business negligence on his last day

Man gets revenge on entitled roommates after months of them mooching off his food and throwing his groceries in the dumpster, he ends up on top

College roommates try to mooch off of man's food for months and throw his groceries in the dumpster as a ‘prank’, man returns the favor and gets their admission on tape

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

'I need my full paycheck': Employee quits two weeks in after boss never draws up his W2, demands to be paid in full

'I need my full paycheck': Employee quits two weeks in after boss never draws up his W2, demands to be paid in full

Man enacts petty revenge on package-stealing neighbor by packing up junk and leaving it on his doorstep, giving the neighbor the comeuppance he deserves

’He took the bait’: Package-stealing neighbor gets owned when man ‘get[s] creative’ by filling fake packages up with junk to teach neighbor a lesson about theft

'Sounds optional to me': Employee declines optional training course, boss reprimands her, claims it was mandatory to attend

'Sounds optional to me': Employee declines optional training course, boss reprimands her, claims it was mandatory to attend

Employee watches in the background as arrogant employee ruins his career, making the company a safer, better place

‘Dude made his bed’: Egotistical colleague ruins his career, whose promotion leads to a mass resignation and his eventual firing

20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

20 cheap, low-effort Halloween costume ideas: 'Time traveler [...] wears the same clothes you wore yesterday'

Quarry ordered to pay more than a million dollars in damages over farmer's electrical fence after refusing to compensate him: 'He would have gladly settled [for] $10K'

Electric company ordered to pay more than a million dollars in damages over farmer's fence after refusing to compensate him: 'He would have gladly settled [for] $10K'

WFH employee maliciously complies to company's ‘no pets policy’ when he gets an official strike for his dog being on camera, so he sets his Zoom background as his cute dog

WFH employee gets official strike when their dog pops up in the background of a company Zoom call, company states it's because they have a ‘no pets policy’

Employee's boss finds out they got an interview elsewhere, pressures her to resign: 'She doesn't even know if she got the job yet'

Boss finds out employee got an interview elsewhere, pressures her to resign: 'She doesn't even know if she got the job yet'

Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'

Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'