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‘Florida isn't supposed to be cold!’: Entitled hotel customers demand refunds for their stays due to inclement weather, employee refuses to comply

Cheap company refuses to reimburse employee $20 because they didn't keep receipts, so employee racks up a $280 bill on the next work trip: ‘I went all in’

Cheap company refuses to reimburse employee $20 because they didn't keep receipts, so employee racks up a $280 bill on the next work trip: ‘I went all in’

Husband refuses to financially support wife's family after they ridiculed his business idea, believes they don't deserve a ‘dime’ of his major profit: ‘They were very unsupportive’

Husband refuses to financially support wife's family after they ridiculed his business idea, believes they don't deserve a ‘dime’ of his major profit: ‘They were very unsupportive’

Employee pranks messy coworker by unplugging and putting an ‘out of service’ sign on the office microwave, keeping the appliance clean for all but her to use

Employee pranks messy coworker by unplugging and putting an ‘out of service’ sign on the office microwave, keeping the appliance clean for all but her to use

neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

Angry neighbor gets upset when man mows his lawn during reasonable, neighbor gets the karma she deserves

Man's neighbor threatens to call police for mowing his lawn, so he stops mowing their side of the yard: ‘I said it's too loud and I might get in trouble"

‘My roommate hasn’t been paying a dime': College student's roommate orders food using their money, then gets a full refund and doesn't pay them back

‘My roommate hasn’t been paying a dime': College student's roommate orders food using their money, then gets a full refund and doesn't pay them back

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

'Go home, mom': Family bands together to get even with grandma who used her spare key to enter their home without permission

‘While you're under my roof, you'll do what I say': College student lands herself a curfew after waking up sister's crying newborn, family picks sides, leaving college student to whine alone

‘While you're under my roof, you'll do what I say': College student lands herself a curfew after waking up sister's crying newborn, family picks sides, leaving college student to whine alone

'You can't do this': Irresponsible dude abandons cat with friend, then refuses to answer calls for 3 months or pay for cat's vet visit

'You can't do this': Irresponsible dude abandons cat with friend, then refuses to answer calls for 3 months or pay for cat's vet visit

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

‘Dude, I’m already here, are you kidding me': Customer wastes 3 hours of time and gas after arriving at car seller's home only to be told van is already sold

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

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