

family drama babysitters aita reddit-review terrible-toddlers kids toddlers gentle-parenting-fail terrible twos babysitting story Reddit babysitting-nightmare teaching-discipline - 20572933

'I wasn’t allowed to discipline': 17-year-old allows spoiled niece and nephew to destroy the house after getting reprimanded for putting them in time-out

If you ever babysat as a teen, then you will feel this to your core. People think babysitting is an easy job, that's why teenagers are allowed to do it, right? Wrong. The only teenagers that don't struggle with babysitting are usually the ones who are older siblings and have had to watch over their younger siblings before. But if you as a teen who has zero experience in childcare, then you should be prepared for a lot of bumps on the road. For example, this 17-year-old Redditor who took to the…
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failblog reddit-review Justice-served petty revenge Reddit karen - 19959045

'All that for a cup of soup': Karen's card gets declined so she gets her husband to yell at and rough up the young cashier, manager comes to the rescue

Sometimes people do things in real life that are just so mind-blowingly bonkers that it makes you question all of humanity. How did you get to here? What did the world do to this person to turn them into this monster? This… Karen. Ahhh yes, the notorious Karen in the wild. A Karen alone is already enough to make you want to punch a wall, but add a Karen husband partnered with them and you want to run through a wall. That's what happened to one person who used to work at Panera—she posted the st…
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Man considers canceling engagement after fiancée's sister destroys all his lego sculptures

Reddit Review 'AITA': Man Kicks Out Fiancée's "Troubled Teen" Sister From Their Home After She Purposefully Destroys Two of His Lego Sculptures

When you ask someone to marry them, you are also asking to be 100% part of their life. That means through the ups AND the downs. But sometimes those downs could be more than you bargained for...
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