reddit karen


‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears


'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking


‘[My supervisor] is going to have a very “fun” conversation with him’: Entitled customer demands personal phone number of auto insurance employee, gets threatened with jail time instead

reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, teenager-co-worker, first-job, working-teens

'I went home feeling pretty good about myself': Teen takes petty revenge on adult co-worker who constantly belittles her for being 16 years old

how-to-frenemy, how-to-confront-frenemy, entitled-friend, reddit, failblog, r-pettyrevenge, petty-revenge

'After 24 years I win': Woman finally gets satisfaction after landing petty roast on her real-life longterm frenemy

Karen-put-in-her-place, Karen-shutdown, epic-shutdown, satisfying-karen-shutdown, job-interview, new-job, new-hire

‘I ended up working at that place’: Random chef on lunch break gets accosted by restaurant's notorious Karen customer, impresses their head chef and gets hired

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people

'I almost lost my job over an entitled Karen': Theme park photographer encounters insensitive mother who yells at a Make-A-Wish kid's family, sees red

not-invited-to-holiday-work-party, work-party, reddit, failblog, r-work, work-drama, grade-school-pettiness, grade-school-behaving-coworker

‘She [laughed] and hoped I was happy having to work alone': Employee is the only one not invited to the company holiday party due to grade school level pettiness, HR does nothing

reddit, failblog, karen-shut-down, abuelita-vs-karen, grocery-store-karen, supermarket-karen, r-idontworkherelady

'Mega Karen learns the terrifying power of Abuelita': 90 Lbs granny epically shuts down a Karen tantrum using a flipflop and a stern stare

Karen-customer, rude-karen-put-in-her-place, kindness, kindness-wins

'Because you are rude [and] she is nice:' Karen customer gets told off after employees ignore her and help more courteous woman

reddit, failblog, satisfying-service-industry-stories, customer-shutdown, entitled-customer-shutdown, satisfying

'I professionally shutdown Karens & Kens': 21+ Servers share their most satisfying customer shutdown stories

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-boomer-couple, privleged-boomer-hippies, bookstore-probs, bookstore-problems, seasonal-bookstore-employees

'Dude, you just loiter': Older couple waltz around bookstore like they own the place never spending a dime, owner pulls a fast one on them by removing all chairs

reddit, failblog, entitled-people, r-idontworkherelady, I-dont-work-here-lady, grocery-store-clerk, grocery-store-karen

‘I don’t work here': Grocery store Karen grabs electrician by the collar demanding ‘clean up in aisle 10,' he almost actually does it due to sheer craziness-levels

reddit, failblog, restaurant-scammer, dine-and-dash, diner

'By god, he had me stressed on a Monday morning': Male-Karen throws a tantrum demanding a meal refund, turns out he's in the wrong restaurant

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server, male-karen, kyle-karen

'And no tip, of course': Customer refuses to read entire menu description and demands item restaurant does not offer, incompetent manager leaves novice server in charge