

‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

When you get a signed job offer, the last you would expect is that the company would retract it. After all, once you've signed, you put in your two week notice and get busy preparing for your new job. You say goodbye to your boss and coworkers and fully expect to begin on the date that was approved by your hiring manager. If things go wrong, you're going to have a problem… you have bills to pay. You can't just not work. One job candidate found themselves absolutely floored after their hiring ma…
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'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

At 5:30 am, one person was enjoying some sleep on their weekend, when they heard a ‘ding’ from their phone. Who on earth would text at this hour? Well, lots of people, if it were an emergency. But it wasn't… it was a recruiter, and they were offering the person a job. This job sounded enticing indeed, as it was part-time, and it was $250 per hour. Or… was it? I can smell a scam from a mile away, and anyone who texts me that isn't on my contact list raises my immediate suspicion. Who are you, ho…
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‘Suddenly the recruiter stopped responding’: Job candidate rejected by company in favor of 'internal candidate' after going through 8 rounds of interviews, internet reacts

‘Suddenly the recruiter stopped responding’: Job candidate rejected by company in favor of 'internal candidate' after going through 8 rounds of interviews, internet reacts

Eight rounds of interviews later, this job candidate was hit by a wave of rejection that felt like an elephant had stomped on her. Absolutely devastated, was how she described it. And I totally understand why. If a company wasted my time like that, I'd be furious, too. Also, 8 rounds of interviews? What is this, the recruiting process to become the president? It seems wild that recruiters would make a candidate go through this. How many questions could you possibly ask a future employee? Maybe…
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25+ employees discuss how workers unfairly land high-paying jobs without qualifications: 'They just "look" and "sound" like the person in charge'

It feels like a common scene, doesn't it? Watching folks breeze into high-paying jobs effortlessly while the rest of us scramble for opportunities that seem just out of reach. It's the age-old story of the power of networking, where the people you know often overshadow your education and skills. It's especially upsetting to see jobs with high salaries go to those whose experience doesn't seem to line up. Imagine seeing someone with a background in English land a tech position, all thanks...
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'He set me up': Recruiter informs employee's boss they're planning to quit after dazzling them with 300k position

'He set me up': Recruiter informs employee's boss they're planning to quit after dazzling them with 300k position

Recruiters are infamous for playing games, not following up, and outright ghosting you. Sometimes you feel like you have no choice but to work with them… Searching for a job on your own is no easy feat. And with the costs of inflation and the lack of transparency regarding salaries in job postings, it can be helpful to have someone 'on your side'. It's always a nightmare to search for a job, especially in today's market, but unfortunately, recruiters aren't always 'on your side', and they often…
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'50% salary decrease': New job cuts worker's pay by $30k shortly after recruiting them

Trick a worker into quitting their job and joining your organization, then they're well and truly trapped when you cut their pay by 50%… talk about a cunning trap. That's exactly what this worker shared experiencing in a post shared to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit community. In a post titled “50% salary decrease…” they discussed the situation. “My new job just cut my salary by $30k, only a couple months into the job." the post begins, " It's safe to say that you probably wouldn't stay at that…
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Vent after an inteview

'No point asking you anything else': Rude hiring manager makes interviewee cry after second interview

This person is scared to interview again after this terrible experience with an insensitive hiring manager. This unfortunate job seeker took to r/recruitingh*ll to share their awful experience and vent about their frustrations with the interview process. As u/ThatFaithlessness101 wrote, they had a second interview with a company. It was entry level, and they also stated in the job requirements that you didn't have to be familiar with anything related to the job before joining the company. So th…
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'Offered the same salary again': Job candidate declines role after low-ball salary offer, management comes back with a second offer... for the same amount

If, at first, you don't succeed... try, try again—except… maybe, not in the exact same way as your first failure. Shake it up a little bit. Try an attempt that was better, or at least different , than your first… This was not a concept that this recruiter understood, choosing to make the same offer for a second time after this job candidate initially had declined. Who knows what their thought process was? Maybe they were seeking to wear the candidate down in a war of attrition—make the same off…
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Group Interview. Camera Required. None of the interviewers put their camera on.

'An interview is a two-way evaluation': Candidate has to turn camera on for interview but recruiters don't reciprocate, immediately turns down job

It's pretty simple at this point: if you can't live up to your own expectations, then you're less likely to fill the position.
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'I an holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'I am holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

The performing art that is the job interview process can be exhausting. There are woefully unqualified and manipulative recruiters at every turn, hiding in the shadows, just itching to waste your energy and precious time. Once you make it to a first-round interview (after receiving no response to 50 other applications), you're put into the gauntlet of the interview charade where nothing matters except for charisma and the ability to feign competency. It doesn't matter a lick whether or not you'…
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'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

The job interview process is a tricky one. So much of it depends on the charade of weird social norms that it's really more of a performing art piece than an adequate way of vetting the performance of a candidate. There's so much research indicating that those who come across to recruiters as ‘confidant’ are more likely to be selected for a role, regardless of their actual experience or qualifications. We humans are so quick to judge others, consciously and subconsciously, based on minuscule am…
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‘I’m a Latino Engineer and I Have to Use a Fake Name Just to Get Interviews’ - Grad Student Gets Repeatedly Rejected, Ends Up Taking Position As Janitor

‘I’m a Latino Engineer and I Have to Use a Fake Name Just to Get Interviews’ - Grad Student Gets Repeatedly Rejected, Ends Up Taking Position As Janitor

A Latino grad student took to Reddit to share his misfortune while job hunting and claims he began receiving interviews (only to get ghosted) when he modified his last name to sound less Latino. Serious job offers ensue in the comments.
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