

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

This office's "cookie wizard" is having their week ruined by a coworker.
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wtf old recipe cards

Old Recipe Cards We Hope No One Ever Tried

Because salad needs Jell-O.
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aita recipe relationships grief family - 15986437

Brother Given Fake Recipe When He Insists on Obtaining Deceased Mother's "Secret Recipe" From Sibling, Causes Familial Implosion

They should have never given any recipe to their brother.
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tumblr user gets back at homophobic mother with revenge meat loaf recipe

Tumblr User Spite-posts Mother's Meatloaf Recipe as Revenge

Enjoy making revenge loaf.
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A Tumblr user discovers a "diet soup" and then hilarity ensues. | butchyena Follow ive been doing lot youtube recipe binging lately so recommended this video and like fuck diet soup why not Lose 15 pounds 7 days with Peel--Pound Soup T-ROY COOKS 6.7M views 4 years ago Are wanting lose weight quickly without exercise? This Peel--Pound Soup burns more calories digesting than body 3:59 and sounded pretty tasty so after vid scrolled down see people thought and just really need share with all comment

Tumblr User Discovers "Diet Soup", Hilarity Ensues

Oh, dear.
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budget foods people ate when poor | shaingel_sle 17.9k points 3 months ago edited 3 months ago Cinnamon toast. Just bread, butter, cinnamon and sugar mixed together. Also love ramen.

People's Most Treasured Budget Recipes

Here come the memories.
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The differences in different cultures food according to tumblr | thirdtimecharmed american recipes: buy these three cans stuff and put them pan congrats cooked. altonzm french recipes: if not making this paris then 's point. fuck italian recipes: use left leg meat pig one three farms this specific area tuscany, or this day my grandmother will begin manifesting

Tumblr Thread Dives into Peculiarities of Recipes in Different Cultures

Every cuisine has its own thing.
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Person discovers secret family fudge recipe is just from a can and thinks about what to do next | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by absolutirony WIBTA if told my family our "secret family recipe" came side can? Growing up every year around holidays my mom would make fudge story this amazing fudge recipe came her grandma who snagged famous candy maker. My mom didn't get recipe until she an adult and were always told couldn't have until were 30.

Person Discovers Secret Family Recipe Came from a Can

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On-Air Blooper news cooking gross recipe food Video - 100354817

Woman's Horrible Artichoke Dip Tortures Hosts On-Air

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food fails from the 60s

14 Food Failures from the '50s and '60s That'll Make You Say "Jell-No"

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FAILS pinterest FAIL recipe cupcakes - 4884997

15 Disturbing Crafting Fails

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kindergarten mac and cheese corn class school kids thanksgiving childhood recipe cute Turkey book food classic funny children parenting - 7070725

Kindergarteners' Thanksgiving Recipes Are Disgustingly Charming

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cooking thanksgiving recipe Turkey weed Video - 83777281

Bake Your Bird This Year and Put Some THC in Your Turkey

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candy recipe giant DIY food Video - 83127041

Put On Your Sweatpants Now, Here's How To Make (and Eat) a 4-Pound Twix Bar

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pizza recipe DIY food cheetos win - 82838273

Crush Your Munchies With a Homemade Mac N' Cheetos Pizza

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recipe life hacks DIY food cheetos burger king Video win - 82542849

Don't Wait for Your Burger King to Carry Cheetos Chicken Fries, Make Them At Home Tonight

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