
Rap comes from your soul, and so does rhyming and clever wordplay. If you got the lyrics to spit and the beat to hit every single word, you will go far, and appreciate these hilarious rap puns.

inspirational music video rap Video - 23872257

Backwards Message WIN

ads failboat g rated Image internet monkey racism rap - 4994668032

Google Ad FAIL

rap testingzone Video - 21388033

Rolling White Collar

Image nerd rap win witty reply x men - 4829363712

X-Men Rap Battle

awesome at work celeb Image Music poll rap tip - 4462610176

Tip Your Answer WIN

awesome awesome co-workers not boredom cubicle boredom cubicle prank lyrics pointless prank procrastination rap Sad sass sir mix-a-lot Uncategorized useless wiseass - 3699953664


awesome co-workers not boredom busted cubicle boredom depressing dickhead co-workers dumb easy joke fridge battle fridge politics lame office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pop culture rage rap Sad sass screw you signage stupid theft Uncategorized unoriginal wiseass - 3621517056
